Написано от smegma lover, 26.10.2023 at 06:13
How new players think their suggestions are read by AW devs
what truly happens
Написано от Agel, 25.07.2023 at 05:57
Написано от Dave, 25.07.2023 at 04:38
I agree, this game needs an AI badly
Woudn't a half decent AI be a nightmare to code?
Написано от ulvi., 25.07.2023 at 04:31
Hello Dave, If you want to get money from Atwar you should add AI single play mod because people is wasting to much time to wait to see their lovely maps and scenarios start. If we join and start game immediately we will play more when we play more we will want to buy more subscriptions. Faster games will attract more players more players more money more money is better life:))
Написано от Tribune Aquila, 09.06.2023 at 03:53
Dubai, a city that touched the sky,
Vanished one dawn, with no goodbye.
Skyscrapers tall and culture deep,
Erased, as if awoken from sleep.
Once a vibrant desert jewel,
Now a tale told in moonlight's cool.
A city lost, humanity yearns,
For Dubai's grand return sojourns.
Написано от PaIm, 29.04.2023 at 21:52
Dave... Please do something about the game
I haven't seen the game in a worst state this last 2 months since i've joined in 2019.
There is not much activity... or maybe there is in beginners, but most of them never play in main lobby because they quit they quit the game in rank 3 or 4
We need improved tutorials... Intermediate and Advanced tutorials have been "coming soon" for a while but they never come, players want to improve
Nowadays short-form content is really good to promote games... that could be used for atwar aswell, a game where you conquer other countries? I think it could work, the concept of the game is amazing.
And one last thing,
I know you don't have much time. I don't either, but I don't own a game. If you don't have time for atWar, please sell it. Someone there has more time and I know you want the best for this game.
Edit: And I can't even imagine how it must feel for the people that have been here since the afterwind days. The game they devoted so much time in is literally dying in front of their eyes...
Написано от Tribune Aquila, 31.05.2023 at 15:25
Where is Dubai?
Was it removed for a reason? I don't think I'm gonna be able to play this game anymore without Dubai due to my personal connections with the city
Написано от clovis1122, 12.04.2023 at 19:14
Hey all,
It's been over a year since my last post. I'm not active on forums (and in atWar, in general) myself. Still, after being part of this community for over a decade, I appreciate that our dear Afterwind (the former name of atWar) is up and running. In this game, we met many great friends, fought against great rivals, and made great memories. It is still active in 2023. You can still log in and play a game. I recently started to play more and more to remember how much I enjoyed playing this.
There may be fair complaints about game updates. But I appreciate that I can still play this -- If you are a millennial or even an early Gen Z like me then you surely know the gigantic amount of Silverlight and Flash games that ended up dying or being shut down. Think about it -- atWar has been running for close to a decade and a half! Not all the games can claim that much success.
Thanks, Dave, for keeping the game up and running. Thanks, Staff, for keeping the game going. Between the loud minority, know that I appreciate the effort you guys are pouring into this game.
As long as atWar is running -- I have hope that better times will come. Many of my friends moved on. It gives me nostalgia to think about Glenn, Spart, acqui, njab, and many others. But I know our memories will remain. A group of people has not moved on and remains bitter and resentful. Honestly, there's not much I can do about it. I hope the great memories we had in this game are not overshadowed and tarnished by certain events.
Let it be peace. For as long as atWar is running, and forever more.
Написано от Skittzophrenic, 12.04.2023 at 23:22
How will you restore the game to its glory days
Написано от Skittzophrenic, 12.04.2023 at 23:22
you said you are working on another project and that AW is just when you have time. Is that the route you will go with?
Написано от Skittzophrenic, 12.04.2023 at 23:22
Do you want to neglect the game even more than it is?
Написано от Skittzophrenic, 12.04.2023 at 23:22
Why not just cut the cord and put the game out of its misery then.
Написано от Skittzophrenic, 12.04.2023 at 23:22
This game can only go for so long without proper dedication to it.
Написано от Skittzophrenic, 12.04.2023 at 23:22
I would love to see it thrive again and have all my friends that I made on here back.
Написано от Tribune Aquila, 08.04.2023 at 13:22
can you give us an update/time horizon for future updates soon? I would love to have an idea about when new tutorial might be implemented. I think we'd all understand if it's not until end of year, but all of us would appreciate having something to look forward to
Написано от Eridans, 07.04.2023 at 07:01
I have seen several children/teenagers who watch youtubers a lot, these, at least in Italy, make many series or in any case make various videos on games by advertising them and there are many children and often their parents who see them, it might be an idea to ask some of them if they want to try to make a video about this game?
Написано от The Panda Jew, 07.04.2023 at 04:18
If you don't mind me asking how expensive do these ads run up on bids? Are we looking at PPC or Direct Traffic.
Написано от cska, 06.04.2023 at 22:06
Can this game be promoted a little bit on instagram, facebook, tiktok etc. so we could get more new players and get some of old players back.
If this trend continue, game will be dead and there will be no more players.
We couldnt fill game of 6 people in scenario for 3/4 hours.(btw this is not first time it happens)
Please consider this idea.
Написано от DeepFriedUnicorn, 18.01.2023 at 19:57
Will we get the ability to delete maps that we've created?
Написано от Eridans, 17.01.2023 at 03:39
In the meantime, thank you for your willingness to allow the cloning of the maps that interest me
My idea, however, was more about freeing all the maps after the author has deleted himself or hasn't logged in for at least 1 year, however the maps that interested me are:
Avatar (By Atari) by At@ri 353g - 1y
WORLD 50K by TheCommunist - 947g - 2y
Star Trek New and Improved by sea pony - 2899g - 7y
Scaled-MEGAITALY by ezzatam - 2232g - 6y
After Floods by J.Schumpeter - 752g - 2y
However, looking for the maps, I thought if it is not a good idea, given that in atwar many have entered their email, to send an email saying that for the maps created cloning will be allowed after a period of time to be decided, I think 1 year goes well and an invitation to return to play, perhaps with prizes, for example if those who return play a number of games to be decided, similar to how Fortnite does, for example
The invitation speech could be made at the expiry of 6m and 1y, then that's it
Написано от Mualbuquerque, 13.01.2023 at 09:33
I found 3 Santa's in the same game.
(Thanks Eridans and Dave for helping me!)
Написано от Eridans, 15.01.2023 at 12:20
Looking at the maps I saw that there are several that cannot be cloned but the author has not logged in for 2 or more years or has even canceled his account
Wouldn't it be possible to allow the cloning of these maps after perhaps 2 years after the author no longer connects or even after canceling his account?
Написано от Weisser Wolf, 16.01.2023 at 15:52
Any update on the status of the atwar servers? It's very annoying and disappointing to be making progress while doing borders on a map and suddenly the server just resets or stops responding for at least 20 or even 30 minutes.
Написано от brianwl, 16.01.2023 at 07:16
Before i do a bug report:
Not sure if this is a bug or just my display, but it only happens on AW, and it only happens with rank symbols. {It seems random. When i refresh, some display correctly, and others not.)
Написано от Mualbuquerque, 10.01.2023 at 06:29
I found 3 Santa's but i do not know how to post the image here! I click "Insert image" but it just show those words: [img][/img]. How it works? helppp pls
Написано от Your Laki, 09.01.2023 at 12:56
Написано от Eridans, 06.01.2023 at 06:46
There are also prizes for those who knock down the Santa Clauses enemies in an epic battle of Santa Claus?
Of course mine were properly escorted
link to match
Fight 01
Fight 02
Написано от Smal, 05.01.2023 at 10:11
I found Santa Claus on https://atwar-game.com/games/?link=1027991209