Написано от smegma lover, 26.06.2022 at 17:43
Only a world war can revive this game.
Написано от Google, 13.06.2022 at 14:28
I want opinions on this.
How am I the only retired mod to not have the trophy?
Написано от Oleg, 03.06.2022 at 12:54
I oficially request Dave to increase my crit chance for every unit by 2.5.... My bad luck needs to be countered by special buff.
How many old accounts have been deleted?
Написано от Indurate, 27.05.2022 at 20:34
I was wondering, given the number of deleted accounts, what would be my actual registration date ranking?
Написано от Reichsheer, 22.04.2022 at 15:52
It's on the map makers to fix things that shouldn't be there in the first place. It's been 11 days since I posted this and Dave hasn't even glanced on the page.
Why has atwar been in a downward spiral? The powers that be see zero importance in maps and their makers. I'd like to see a single veteran map maker say they're happy in the current state of the map-making side of the game.
Do you want new players that stay? I seem to remember a map-making renaissance in atwar's heyday.
Написано от Witch-Doctor, 25.01.2021 at 23:04
I tried making an icon for heli and a drone. Maybe Dave can use them if they're good enough.
Написано от Mobster, 03.08.2021 at 13:42
I tried making some new, it'd be good to have them in the new scenarios (DireWarlord's new WW2 for example)
Heavy Artillery:
Tank Destroyer:
Horse Archer:
Ancient Infantry:
War Elephant:
Rocket Artillery:
Написано от Alex, 05.04.2022 at 02:01
Well, so i went to the map maker again where the borders didnt show up, i refreshed and it fixed itself so now im alrght
but kinda weird not gonna lie its messed up
Написано от Mobster, 04.04.2022 at 01:22
Dude he's just joking, what the hell...
Написано от Reichsheer, 30.03.2022 at 12:35
So I decided to create a new map https://prnt.sc/rTE7qrZ3Bmdw
It's stuck
Написано от Reichsheer, 29.03.2022 at 16:47
My scenarios 'Colonial RP - Charlemagne', 'European Powers (1700's GGG)', 'New World Coming - RP', 'Medieval Empires AtWar RP', 'Qing Vs Joseon & Japan (1750's GGG)', 'GGG: Alt History (EU)' are all uneditable with the error code 'Error: TypeError: b.getSource() is undefined, Script: https://atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.game.min.js?v=202203241749, Line: 1, Column: 654189'
Написано от Reichsheer, 29.03.2022 at 16:47
And occasionally when trying to connect to edit a map; it doesn't load (forgotten the exact sentence that comes up) and I must close down the atwar tab/go back a page on the browser (sometimes multiple times) for it to actually let me into the map. This can't be an issue on my side and I've tried different computers/browsers, I've recently moved houses and have very good internet speeds.
Edit: when saving changes, they sometimes wouldn't register the next time I loaded the map too (this I approached both Mobster and Sid on)
Написано от Reichsheer, 29.03.2022 at 16:06
Mapmaking bugs should be a priority atm. I'm grateful for the changes but I still experience the same issues with mapmaking that I did 4+ years ago.
Mapmaking is one of the main reasons to buy premium too and helps freshen the community with new maps
Edit: [One!] of the reasons I didn't play for three years was because of mapmaking issues!
Написано от Tribune Aquila, 25.03.2022 at 06:15
Написано от smegma lover, 13.03.2022 at 07:41
Apparently its close to being finished. So...
Extended for the billionth time. New deadline March 31, 2022.
Написано от Rock Lee, 24.03.2022 at 14:03
While we are at it, My goos friebd Trystane got banned forever for saying "Thanks Croat!" In public.