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06.12.2021 в Hi, Sid
Написано от EVERYBODYISGAY, 06.12.2021 at 15:19

BTW, to be clear, I mean Sid as in Sid Sunce https://atwar-game.com/users/profile.php?user_id=625306

That's my alt, I'm doing fine bro, thanks.
Rome rush took 3 months to learn, gj wd.
Ads are only shown to non-prem users, new users shouldn't see them for a few days.
Написано от EVERYBODYISGAY, 27.11.2021 at 18:39

Ask Sid

You think i have time for women when i spend so much time as an AtWar Admin?
Написано от Tribune Aquila, 27.11.2021 at 22:19

So right now I'm in bed ....

What are you wearing?
Bug Report
Expected behavior
When you create a guest account through google, it gives you a string of letters and numbers like "s_12e1f305d5"

Actual behavior
The string is getting longer. This isn't necessarily a bug but it is making some GUI aspects look odd.

Steps to reproduce the behavior
Create an account through google.

Browser: N/A

Browser version: N/A


Any other relevant information: N/A


21.11.2021 в Total War
Написано от Witch-Doctor, 21.11.2021 at 13:43

I'm a serial sweaty tryhard

21.11.2021 в Why sid Needs a hug
Lol i'm fine guys. I'm a bit bitter still (as a lot of us are) but i'll be fine and get back to normal soon. Thanks for the posts though.

I'm excited to start being a more positive light on AW as opposed to an "evil tyrant" i'm seen for now.
21.11.2021 в My cancer won Guys
What an awful disease cancer is.

I think a lot of us think about you a decent amount. You are a one of a kind player who was one of the fastest rising people in the game. We all remember how you shot up in ranks both in SP and skill. We started playing around the same time and to see you among the best in the game while i was still a noob r7-8 astounded me. At the same time you're one of the friendlier turks in the game and one of the only ones most of could handle lol.

We always have and will love you, Opi.
19.11.2021 в Kyle
It was definitely self defense imo, but he should have faced manslaughter charges because he had no business there with an assault rifle anyways. Domestic guns are to protect, not intimidate. The less idiots that are pretending like they are some lion-alpha-male because they own a gun, the less chance we have of losing gun rights.

You know the left is going to try to ban them even harder now because of this...
Updated post to include the following:

"Coalitions will have until Monday night, November 22, 2022, at 11:59:59 PM (U.S. Central time), to complete the 1st round. If a coalition declines to play, they will automatically forfeit and their opponent will advance to the finals. If a coalition forfeits they will not be eligible for any prizes for this season."
14.11.2021 в Invil
Shameless self promotion ♥ Love it.

14.11.2021 в Crisis
Написано от SyrianDevil, 14.11.2021 at 05:41

Nice post
No one gets the irony xd
Seriously... you thought my response was unironic? ♥
Написано от KarabaghARMENIA, 12.11.2021 at 11:27

Написано от The_Empirezz, 12.11.2021 at 08:40

Написано от KarabaghARMENIA, 12.11.2021 at 07:34

Написано от The_Empirezz, 12.11.2021 at 06:31

this is the best way to prevent future massive outbreaks.

The vaccine has several effects, for starters it mitigates covid outbreaks, even if the vaccine in question decreases in efficiency over time. You should read your source better, as even your source implies that this is the case. In fact your source even calls people into action to take the vaccine.

Aside from significantly decreasing the chance of transmissing the disease to others, the vaccine ensures you don't need to be hospitalised or die from the virus. Before the vaccine, hospitals were flooded with patients and often overcapacity, the vaccine has stabilised the amount of people that get hospitalised. Yet relatively the unvaccinated take up a disproportionate amount of time and money which could have been prevented had they been vaccinated.

Hypothetically with everyone vaccinated we could prevent future variants on covid from developing, its people who refuse to get vaccinated that force the rest, responsible people, into lockdowns and prolongue the pandemic.

Don't blindly listen to politicians, trust in the people who know what they're talking about such as doctors and people who studied the virus. Hope this helps

Sources: Aside from your own link..

Thanks for the reply!

I am certain that I will be unable to convince you of my perspective, and it is unlikely that you will convince me. We are both afraid, but for different reasons. You are afraid of COVID. I am afraid that we are not told the full truth about COVID, because for the past 2 years the goalposts have been moved far too often. First they said masks were ineffective- then they said they are mandatory. They stated that the virus came from bats, only for us to find out they lied and it came from a gamer-function research lab. Then they said vaccines were 95% effective from stopping the spread of COVID- now they say that they are only 75% effective from getting seriously ill. Vaccine mandates, COVID passports and booster shots were all labeled conspiracy theories 7 months ago, and yet here we are today.

I would like to address a couple of points, because I do not believe this issue is as black and white as your argument suggests:

"Aside from significantly decreasing the chance of (transmitting) the disease to others"- this statement has been proven false, as we now have many countries that have a 99% vaccination rate of adults, such as Ireland. However, Ireland is currently in a huge uptick in COVID cases despite a 99.7% vaccination rate. https://prnt.sc/1zb19xy <= this is a Google search of Irish COVID cases and here is an article addressing the issue=> https://spectator.org/irish-quandary-who-to-blame-when-everyones-vaxxed/

" (...) the vaccine ensures you don't need to be hospitalized or die from the virus"- so far this point seems to be valid if you do not look at the side effects from the vaccine. Adults and children have developed severe side effects such as myocarditis, thrombosis and even encephalitis. The problem, as mRNA inventor Robert Malone states, governments and pharma companies are not addressing these concerns- worse, they are censoring them. Here is Dr. Michael Palmer explaining how the mRNA vaccine functions and why it causes concerning side effects: (start @ 4:17) https://rumble.com/vlw1il-dr.-michael-palmer-catherine-austin-fitts-interview-understanding-medical-a.html

"(...) the unvaccinated take up a disproportionate amount of time and money which could have been prevented had they been vaccinated."- this argument is based upon the assumption that the unvaccinated are clogging up the hospitals in the first place. We both are young adults- it is a fact that young adults are 0.0125% likely to get hospitalized from COVID. (source: https://www.aier.org/article/is-covid-a-high-risk-to-young-adults/ ). If you watched the mainstream media, you would assume that COVID affects everyone proportionally. That is not the case. Almost all of the severe cases come from immunocompromised patients, and 90% of them are aged 65+. However, your argument did not mandate vaccines for the elderly and immunocompromised; but also mandates vaccination for young adults that are 99.875% likely not to get hospitalized or die from COVID!

On this day, November 12th, 2021, I want to make a prediction about you The Empirezz. I predict that in the next 6 months you too will be considered "unvaccinated", unless you get the COVID booster shot. How many booster shots did you get for polio? How many for smallpox? Where is the limit to the amount of booster shots you are willing to take?

Well said .. btw, do you have a mainstream source (i.e. major American or British news network or any .gov) for your point on COVID originally coming from bats but now research lab... I'd look it up myself but have severe time restraints ATM.
Написано от The_Empirezz, 12.11.2021 at 06:31

Too much disinformation about the vaccines has been spread trough social media. It should be mandated because too many wont take it otherwise, even if it makes people feel they lose some of their rights, this is the best way to prevent future massive outbreaks. I don't see the remaining 10% or so of people that refuse the vaccination taking it anytime soon, their echo chambers forbid it, unless they are sufficiently pressured by the government to do so.

Again, fine if it's a medical mandate. But the mandate isn't coming from health professionals .... it's coming from government and so our medical info is now in the public domain. Vaccinations are fine when the right authority is doing it...
14.11.2021 в Moderator requests
Mod requests are a process. Posting in forums asking to be mod is an effective way to never become mod. Locked. Message me if you like and I'll clarify if needed.
14.11.2021 в Crisis
Agree with Afghanistan for the reasons stated, zeph is right from objective pov.

But what hasn't been said is population mindset. Afghan people will stick it out, and that mindset is culturally engrained. Koreans have that stamina for conflicts with Japanese and Chinese. But not for a weaker opponent who poses no cultural threat. They are an opressed people already, so they don't have the same strength of will in the long run. Advantage Afghanistan in a long term engagement.
Also see our terms of service. It has had the following paragraph since even Ivan & Amok's time:

4. Custom Maps ownership
Custom Maps and Scenarios and all associated media are and shall remain the sole and exclusive property of atWar. Without limiting the foregoing, you hereby assign to atWar all of your rights, title and interest in and to all Custom Maps, and agree that should atWar decide that it is necessary, you agree to execute future assignments promptly upon receiving such a request from atWar. Additionally, atWar shall have the right to keep the Custom Maps online even if their creator requests removal. In case of blocking users from playing your map, you agree to provide solid reasons for the block upon request.
Написано от Brsjak, 13.11.2021 at 13:49

World War I was rightfully edited by its mapmaker who has a right to do so, please do not touch other peoples propety.

He made the map unplayable and wrote "Dave stop banning people" over it. That's just childish.

It's basically vandalism of a popular map, with the intent of ruining the game for others. When he's ready to act like an adult again we won't interfere, but until then I will simply restore any defaced maps from our backups.
Написано от Khal.eesi, 12.11.2021 at 04:03

Написано от brianwl, 12.11.2021 at 02:42

Denial... The most predictable of responses... Care to give a single counter example ... Teach me something... Please...I want to be wrong on this.

China. Agree in general with what you say, but we are not at the one yet i believe, rather the few. China's whole system and interests are directly opposed to the West's and only align when it comes to oppressing and violating the rights and liberties of people.

China is still playing by their (world bank) rules... they are just doing it better than the rule makers, and yes, they would prefer to have their own values respected. They have an ancient culture and will be the last 'culturally distinct' region that isn't westernized (though some say it's already happened). But despite the opposing viewpoints, they are still playing by the west's rules.. have been since the unequal treaties.
Написано от DeepFriedUnicorn, 12.11.2021 at 09:00

Написано от brianwl, 12.11.2021 at 02:42

Написано от DeepFriedUnicorn, 11.11.2021 at 14:11

Написано от brianwl, 11.11.2021 at 09:11

Написано от Red.Army, 10.11.2021 at 09:52

It's simple, you eliminate the USA and Israel you achieve world peace

World peace is already here... has been since before the fall of Berlin wall. We are all one nation under the IMF (or world bank, or whatever front agency you like.)

Everything that doesn't appear to be peace is for show... so we have something to distract ourselves... kind of like gladiators in the Colosseum. Actually, exactly like gladiators in the Colosseum. The outcomes aren't entirely pre-planned, but they are contained... the weapons are provided by the rulers... a few 'gladiators' actually think they are fighting for freedom, but when they win, they just have a different master.

Not really, no.

Denial... The most predictable of responses... Care to give a single counter example ... Teach me something... Please...I want to be wrong on this.

To say every Civil war and conflict since the fall of the wall has been preplanned is, bizarre and, almost conspiracy theory like.

I highly doubt the current Yemen civil war was from a Bank deciding when, if, how can this event plunge the earth into Fighting and Gladiators. Same with Ethiopia, Congo, Maili, First Gulf war, Current Belarus/Russian - EU relations and paramilitary/ Terrorist organizations will always be here no matter if you think they have been Indirectly assistance from external Events and are being contained somehow.

you seriously think that a nation {us for eg, but uk, france italy even - or UN} couldn't intervene? Talk about conspiracy theories. All a Nato leader would have to do is look at any of the nations you mentioned sideways and they'd stop... it's like two year olds fighting, and the adults are just letting them bash each other with rattles.

But go ahead... check your critical thinking at the door and be a believer. i know i won't change your mind on this... you need to come to these realizations on your own..
Написано от Dave, 10.11.2021 at 19:17

I'm pro-vaccine, but anti-vaccine mandates.

My original plan was to get the vaccine at some point, but I was in no hurry. I figured I'd get it whenever I wanted to travel again.

Then the powers-that-be started forcing vaccines more and more, and I started resisting the idea. I refuse to allow the government to force me to be injected with anything.

At that point I was in the situation where, on the one hand I was willing to get the vaccine, but on the other, if I actually did it then I'm basically giving in to the governments demand. I refuse to do that. The more they push, the more I will resist.

If the vaccine is so good, why do they have to force me to get it? I'm a rational person, I can decide for myself, thank you very much.

Also just because I'm unvaccinated, I'm not a threat to anybody. This is a major logical error that needs to be corrected. Vaccines are about protecting YOURSELF, they do nothing to protect anyone else. Fully vaccinated people can spread Covid just as easily as anyone else. Studies have shown this already, but politicians ignore it.... they only say "follow the science" when the science leads where they want it to.

Couldn't have said it better... would get vaccinated if only my doctor... as opposed to political Powers, kept my health records.
Написано от DeepFriedUnicorn, 11.11.2021 at 14:11

Написано от brianwl, 11.11.2021 at 09:11

Написано от Red.Army, 10.11.2021 at 09:52

It's simple, you eliminate the USA and Israel you achieve world peace

World peace is already here... has been since before the fall of Berlin wall. We are all one nation under the IMF (or world bank, or whatever front agency you like.)

Everything that doesn't appear to be peace is for show... so we have something to distract ourselves... kind of like gladiators in the Colosseum. Actually, exactly like gladiators in the Colosseum. The outcomes aren't entirely pre-planned, but they are contained... the weapons are provided by the rulers... a few 'gladiators' actually think they are fighting for freedom, but when they win, they just have a different master.

Not really, no.

Denial... The most predictable of responses... Care to give a single counter example ... Teach me something... Please...I want to be wrong on this.
11.11.2021 в Casual duel or cw
DUDE, A casual Duel sounds so fun.
Написано от Red.Army, 10.11.2021 at 09:52

It's simple, you eliminate the USA and Israel you achieve world peace

World peace is already here... has been since before the fall of Berlin wall. We are all one nation under the IMF (or world bank, or whatever front agency you like.)

Everything that doesn't appear to be peace is for show... so we have something to distract ourselves... kind of like gladiators in the Colosseum. Actually, exactly like gladiators in the Colosseum. The outcomes aren't entirely pre-planned, but they are contained... the weapons are provided by the rulers... a few 'gladiators' actually think they are fighting for freedom, but when they win, they just have a different master.
Написано от Mobster, 11.11.2021 at 04:35

AtWar limits you to be online in maximum 4 tabs, and this is a big pain in the ass for map makers. People like DireWarlord or Roma Invicta can agree so much with me on this.

Let me explain it this way; when I want to test a map I made, I have to find it in the "Maps" tab first, then create the game in the lobby, then launch the game. This makes 3 sessions already because the game thinks I still didn't close the other 2. And if I have the 4th tab in the map editor, I'm always at the risk of reloading the game and wasting 5 minutes for that. This means, every time I want to test a map, I'm gonna lose another 5 minutes! This is so much time!

Map making is painful enough already and this just makes it REALLY painful. I'm sure this has been a problem for non-map-makers too. So I was thinking Dave could change the maximum session limit to 10 or something. Please do it Dave!

Aye, it annoys me too. I'll try to fix it
Написано от Dave, 10.11.2021 at 19:17

I'm pro-vaccine, but anti-vaccine mandates.

My original plan was to get the vaccine at some point, but I was in no hurry. I figured I'd get it whenever I wanted to travel again.

Then the powers-that-be started forcing vaccines more and more, and I started resisting the idea. I refuse to allow the government to force me to be injected with anything.

At that point I was in the situation where, on the one hand I was willing to get the vaccine, but on the other, if I actually did it then I'm basically giving in to the governments demand. I refuse to do that. The more they push, the more I will resist.

If the vaccine is so good, why do they have to force me to get it? I'm a rational person, I can decide for myself, thank you very much.

Also just because I'm unvaccinated, I'm not a threat to anybody. This is a major logical error that needs to be corrected. Vaccines are about protecting YOURSELF, they do nothing to protect anyone else. Fully vaccinated people can spread Covid just as easily as anyone else. Studies have shown this already, but politicians ignore it.... they only say "follow the science" when the science leads where they want it to.

I'm more of a threat than you, you have antibodies and my vaccines were 6 months ago. But i'm allowed to go to any concert/performance and you can't
I'm pro-vaccine, but anti-vaccine mandates.

My original plan was to get the vaccine at some point, but I was in no hurry. I figured I'd get it whenever I wanted to travel again.

Then the powers-that-be started forcing vaccines more and more, and I started resisting the idea. I refuse to allow the government to force me to be injected with anything.

At that point I was in the situation where, on the one hand I was willing to get the vaccine, but on the other, if I actually did it then I'm basically giving in to the governments demand. I refuse to do that. The more they push, the more I will resist.

If the vaccine is so good, why do they have to force me to get it? I'm a rational person, I can decide for myself, thank you very much.

Also just because I'm unvaccinated, I'm not a threat to anybody. This is a major logical error that needs to be corrected. Vaccines are about protecting YOURSELF, they do nothing to protect anyone else. Fully vaccinated people can spread Covid just as easily as anyone else. Studies have shown this already, but politicians ignore it.... they only say "follow the science" when the science leads where they want it to.
Написано от Witch-Doctor, 10.11.2021 at 18:32

Написано от Sid, 10.11.2021 at 17:47

isn't as effective as antibodies

Lets not forget what needs to happen to get antibodies in the first place...

Most people are asymptomatic to COVID, and at this point we need to stop caring about people that don't care about themselves. The more we push for people to get a vaccine, the more they will push back against it. They won't get it no matter what so why bother trying, just let em be, they are doing minimally more damage than the rest of us.

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