25.03.2013 - 06:23
I finished a game just 1 minute ago. It was capture all enemy cities. So, at the end, the last player had 1 air trans and 2 tanks...he was walking around the map with 2 tanks and 2 militia in an air transport, from town to town, 7 or 8 turns in a row, and I wasn't able to turnblock him once. Every turn I attacked with 10 or more bombers first move, and every turn he escaped, until I reinforced all my towns so he crushed in one of them. How is this possible?
25.03.2013 - 07:25
I think the reason you didn't turnblock is just bad luck. But if you play 'capture all enemy cities', then the enemy probably had another city left, which you could have attacked to end the game.
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
25.03.2013 - 07:50
That's what i was thinking for the first 2 or 3 attempts. He didn't had any other city left, except those he continued capturing with that air trans. He went from Netherlands to Switzerland > Denmark > Belgium > Lyon > Barcelona > Valencia > Lisbon. I was just curios how much this will take until I got bored and reinforced all my unwalled cities so he can loose when attacking. 7 attempts, every one of them with more bombers than his stack of units and no one succeeded...something was wrong there, it wasn't bad luck.
25.03.2013 - 17:09
Rank( it could have been a top secrete cheat (aka game hacker))?
---- ALL is fair in love and war. SO GET USED TO IT! You opinion is not recognized as being valid.
25.03.2013 - 20:26
Yeah just bad luck. Next time reinforce all the cities in his range of attack. ![]()
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
25.03.2013 - 21:15
The algorithm seems to be a little broken at times, It does tend to get a little streaky. You could have just predicted where he would go though, I'm assuming you had most of the map if you were 1 city from killing him, so you could afford quite a lot of units.
25.03.2013 - 21:50
My biggest gripe is when I turnblock a stack in transports and I end up turnblocking the transport but somehow the troops inside still get away. NB this happens even when the units should not be able to move without transport (i.e. over ocean). Not being able to turnblock effectively would not be so bad if it wasn't so easy to wf.
26.03.2013 - 11:55
Well, 7 times in a row ...neh, i don't think it was bad luck. Maybe #fruit is right# and something is not working properly. It was a long game, fighting 4 allyfags by myself in europe...at the end I just wanted it over so i didn't bothered to do anything except attacking his last city and end turn...and after 3 or 4 escapes I think I was curious how many times he would still run away. I am pretty sure he would have gone like that till round 50 i I wouldn't have reinforced Portugal...
27.03.2013 - 11:30
^.^ He had an Air Transport
---- "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
27.03.2013 - 14:42
yes. I did say "in his range of attack" meaning spam in every city that he can reach.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
27.03.2013 - 23:43
What if it's like turn 20?
---- "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
Nikola Tesla Профилът е изтрит. |
28.03.2013 - 06:47 Nikola Tesla Профилът е изтрит. What difference?
28.03.2013 - 08:21
Just pure bad luck dude. Happened many time to me too. By the way, if it was turn 20 then you should have just reinforced every city in range like everyone else said. ![]()
28.03.2013 - 09:32
I know, I know. Right from the moment I posted this message I was pretty sure the first person to answer will tell me I should have reinforced my cities. Well, I know that much, it wasn't about killing him, it was about turnblocking. As i said above I was curios how much will take me to turnblock him. After 7 attempts i got frustrated and did what you said, reinforced, but now I fell I should have followed him with bombers and prove what I think, that it wasn't bad luck but a glitch or a bug in the turnblocking system. I am not 100% sure about that, it could be just a coincidence as you all say, yes, but the more times it happens the less chances to be just bad luck, and 7 times it's a lot to me.
28.03.2013 - 23:39
People are saying you were unlucky, sure you were but the odds of not turnblocking every turn aren't that slim if you have as many troops as him and move on the first move it will always be a 50/50 chance or a 1 in 2 the chance of you losing that 10 times in a row is (1/2)^10 1/(2^10) = 1/1024 the chance of getting a full house in poker is like 1/4000, and it you have played poker enough i'm sure that you have had many full houses.
29.03.2013 - 02:22
I play poker a lot, hold'em, and I never thought what are the chances of getting a full house, in numbers, but your statistic seemed to me ridiculous, so this is what I found on google: The probability of getting a full house is precisely measured at 0.144 percent. Players may see the chances of getting this hand as pretty bleak, but once they get their hands into it they are guaranteed to win almost any game. The odds of getting this strong hand are set at 694: 1. or this: 13 X 12 X 6 X 4 = 3,744 possible combos The total number of possible hands is 2,598,960 ( 52 ) ( 5 ) 2,598,960 / 3,744 = 693.16 : 1 * the last 6 in 693.16 should be repeating * --- I am not very good at math, but did you calculated the chances you get a full house right from the flop?
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