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Публикувано от Commodus, 07.09.2020 - 08:22
Expand the Coalition Leader/Officer Structure

1. Proposal:

To expand the existing Leader/Officer structure from two (2) levels to six (6) levels.

2. Benefits:

Expanding the Leader/Officer structure from two (2) levels to six (6) levels will enhance player development and provide coalition members with additional levels of rewards, recognition and responsibilities.

3. Existing Structure:

The existing structure consists of two (2) levels, Officer and Leader.

4. Proposed Structure:

The proposed structure will consist of six (6) levels:

4.1) Officer Cadet (new level):

The Officer Cadet level provides an opportunity for coalition members with leadership potential to demonstrate their potential to the coalition leadership. An Officer Cadet is basically an officer in training with little formal responsibility. The role of an Officer Cadet is: 1) learn leadership skills and 2) gain experience and expertise as an atWar player. Officer Cadets can be promoted to either the Warrant Officer stream or the Commissioned Officer stream, depending on the player's aptitudes and interests.

Officer Cadets do not have the authority to promote, demote or remove (kick) players from the coalition. They do have the authority to demote themselves or leave the coalition.

4.2) Warrant Officer (new level):

A Warrant Officer is a highly skilled atWar player. A Warrant Officer, by virtue of his skill as an atWar player, has an important role as both mentor and trainer of other coalition members. The Warrant Officer also acts as a backup to the Chief Warrant Officer level. Most coalitions will have multiple Warrant Officers.

Warrant Officers do not have the authority to promote, demote or remove (kick) players from the coalition. They do have the authority to demote themselves or leave the coalition.

4.3) Chief Warrant Officer (new level):

The Chief Warrant Office is a uniquely talented and accomplished atWar player. The Chief Warrant Officers is recognized within the coalition as a highly skilled atWar player. One of the main responsibilities of the Chief Warrant Officer is to mentor members of the coalition in the art of atWar. Most coalitions only have one Chief Warrant Officer.

The Chief Warrant Officer has the authority to promote or demote Warrant Officers. The Chief Warrant Officer does not have the authority to remove (kick) members from the coalition including Warrant Officers. They do have the authority to demote themselves or leave the coalition.

4.4) Commissioned Officer (replaces Officer level):

Commissioned Officers provide the day-to-day leadership of the coalition. While technically outranking a Warrant Officer or Chief Warrant Officer, the Commissioned Officer will, in most cases, defer to their expertise when it comes to gameplay. But, in terms of leadership skills, they are the recognized experts. Most coalitions will have multiple Commissioned Officers.

Commissioned Officers have the authority to promote or demote Officer Cadets. Commissioned Officers do not have the authority to remove (kick) members from the coalition. They do have the authority to demote themselves or leave the coalition.

4.5) Deputy Leader: (replaces Leader level):

The Deputy Leader acts as a backup to the Coalition Leader in the event that the Coalition Leader is unable to perform his/her responsibilities. Most coalitions will have from one (1) to three (3) Deputy Leaders depending on the size of the coalition.

Deputy Leaders have the authority to promote, demote or remove (kick) Officer Cadets, Warrant Officers, Chief Warrant Officers and Commissioned Officers. Deputy Leaders do not have the authority to promote, demote or remove (kick) Deputy Leaders or Coalition Leaders. They do have the authority to demote themselves or leave the coalition.

4.6) Coalition Leader (replaces Founding Leader):

There is one and only one Coalition Leader per coalition. Coalition Leaders have the authority to promote, demote or remove (kick) all members of the coalition. Coalition Leaders also have the authority to promote Deputy Leaders to Coalition Leader. Once a Deputy Leader is promoted to Coalition Leader, the current Coalition Leader will automatically be demoted to Deputy Leader. Once this occurs, the now Deputy Leader has the authority to leave the coalition if he/she so chooses.

5. Paid Subscriptions:

It is not recommended that a paid subscription be required for coalition members to be promoted to Officer Cadet. It is recommended that a paid subscription be required for coalition members to be promoted to Warrant Office, Chief Warrant Officer, Commissioned Officer, Deputy Leader and Coalition Leader.

6. Programming Changes:

6.1) Changes to the Coalition + Members + User page:

• Change the playerName (Leader) to playerName (Coalition Leader) where the player is the Founding Leader.
• Change the playerName (Leader) to playerName (Deputy Leader) for all other Leaders.
• Change the playerName (Officer) to playerName (Commissioned Officer) for all Officers.
• Future Chief Warrant Officers will be displayed as playerName (Chief Warrant Officer).
• Future Warrant Officers will be displayed as playerName (Warrant Officer).
• Future Officer Cadets will be displayed as playerName (Officer Cadet).

6.2) Changes to the Coalition + Members + Options page:

The purpose of using this logic is to provide the user with maximum flexibility while at the same time minimizing the number of buttons that need to be displayed on the Coalition Member's page.

6.2.1) Promotion Buttons:

Coalition Leaders have the unrestricted authority to promote members. This includes the authority to promote a Deputy Leader to Coalition Leader. When the Coalition Leader selects the <Promote to Coalition Leader> button, two things will happen: 1) the Deputy Leader will be promoted to Coalition Leader and 2) the Coalition Leader will be demoted to Deputy Leader. The purpose of this is to avoid a situation in which a coalition has no Coalition Leader.

Deputy Leaders, Commissioned Officers and Chief Warrant Officers have limited authority to promote members. (See section 5 for specifics).

Members display a <Promote to Officer Cadet> button.
If a member is currently an Officer Cadet then display a <Promote to Warrant Officer> button.
If a member is currently an Officer Cadet then also display a <Promote to Commissioned Officer> button.
If a member is currently a Warrant Officer then display a <Promote to Chief Warrant Officer> button.
If a member is currently a Warrant Officer then also display a <Promote to Commissioned Officer> button.
If a member is currently a Chief Warrant Officer then display a <Promote to Commissioned Officer> button.
If a member is currently a Commissioned Officer then display a <Promote to Deputy Leader> button.
If a member is currently a Deputy Leader then display a <Promote to Coalition Leader> button (see section 6.2).
Do not display a promote button for Coalition Leaders.

6.2.2) Demotion Buttons:

Coalition Leaders have the unrestricted authority to demote members with the exception of themselves. Deputy Leaders, Commissioned Officers and Chief Warrant Officers have limited authority to demote members. (See section 5 for specifics).

Do not display a demote button for common members.
If a member is currently an Officer Cadet then display a <Demote to common member> button.
If a member is currently a Warrant Officer then display a <Demote to Officer Cadet> button.
If a member is currently a Chief Warrant Officer then display a <Demote to Warrant Officer> button.
If a member is currently a Commissioned Officer then display a <Demote to Officer Cadet> button.
If a member is currently a Deputy Leader then display a <Demote to Commissioned Officer> button.
Do not display a demote button for Coalition Leaders.

6.2.3 Kick Out Buttons:

Coalition Leaders have the unrestricted authority to remove (kick) members. Deputy Leaders have limited authority to remove (kick) members. No other levels have the authority to remove (kick) members from the coalition. (See section 5 for specifics).

If the logged on player is a Deputy Leader then display a <Kick Out> button for all members except the Coalition Leader and other Deputy Leaders.
If the logged on player is a Deputy Leader then display a <Quit Coalition> button for themselves.
If the logged on player is a Coalition Leader then display a <Kick Out> button for all members except themselves.

6.3 Changes to the Coalition + Info page:

6.3.1 Change the label 'Founder:' to 'Coalition Leader:'.
6 .3.2 Remove the red <Leave Coalition> button where the logged on player is the Coalition Leader (section 6.2).

6.4 Changes to the player Profile screen:

6.4.1 Remove the red (x) button in the 'Rank' screen where the logged on player is a Coalition Leader (section 6.2).

.cc clovis1122, Eagle, Alois, Sid, Niki Coalition Members
02.03.2021 - 18:12
I like the idea, but I think each coalition should be able to make and name their own ranks and choose which powers each rank will have access to.
02.03.2021 - 18:54
Написано от B0W D0WN, 02.03.2021 at 18:12

I like the idea, but I think each coalition should be able to make and name their own ranks and choose which powers each rank will have access to.

03.03.2021 - 19:22
 Mobster (Мод)
Написано от B0W D0WN, 02.03.2021 at 18:12

I like the idea, but I think each coalition should be able to make and name their own ranks and choose which powers each rank will have access to.

I agree with this more
04.03.2021 - 12:17
Hi, I agree 100%. What you are suggesting would provide even more flexibility. I think you would agree that either of these suggestions would be a vast improvement to what we currently have?
06.03.2021 - 11:14
Написано от Commodus, 04.03.2021 at 12:17

Hi, I agree 100%. What you are suggesting would provide even more flexibility. I think you would agree that either of these suggestions would be a vast improvement to what we currently have?

06.03.2021 - 17:32
Very nice idea and i agree with its original explanation, i dont agree with clans being able to rename their ranks and assign them roles, here's why: it will be abused by trolls so you will end up with 99% of ranks 'dig bickus' and their role 'rekting', unfortunately, still it would be nice to see clans using their ranks sincerely, like knight rank, lord, duke, noble, depending on the era.

I agree with the proposal for ranks to be the same everywhere and their roles fixed, but maybe not 6, but 2-3 additional. This is especially interesting to me who had its own ranks in my own clans, and i like to read about military ranks used around the world and history.

I also like simplicity in things, so my idea would be something like this:

- Founder
- Leader
- Officer
- Warrant Officer
- Sergeant

Or officers being replaced by Captain and Lieutenant, merely as symbolic to their historic meaning, not real use in modern warfare ('captain of the guard', 'king's right hand man was a lieutenant etc')

And maybe there can be a limit to the ranks in clan; like 10 max sergeants, 5 warrant officers, 2 officers, 1 leader.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
07.03.2021 - 07:28
Hi and thank you for your comments, they are much appreciated. You and others have demonstrated, by your comments, that there is much interest in this topics, particularly from Coalition Leaders like you and me. You have outlined a number of good suggestions. I thank you for that. Most of us would agree that the status quo is no longer acceptable. The atWar game platform has matured significantly since I became a member in 2014, unfortunately the Leader/Officer structure has not kept pace.
25.04.2021 - 16:15
Dear Clan, the proposed new officer ranking system has good merit and i feel will provide both opportunity and consistency with structured leadership and clearly demonstrate the leaders commitment to enhance our abilities to assist and resolve any questions / issues arrising within the Clan, we can discuss and suggest the best names/titles/ ranks for this however that matters not the important thing is that the membership know who and for what the rank is designed for RE WHO DO I GO TOO for this situation ?
Also i like the proposal and fully ENDORSE IT!!!
MY PERSONAL preference to ranks
1,Founding Leader Field marshal unless Commodus steps down, this shows the lineage and respect required to members for Him starting the clan.
2, Leiutenant, or general.
3, Warrant officer.
4, sergeant,
5, corporal,
6, private first class or Cadet first class. Cadet first class is possibly best
7 members.

wrapping it up Ranking expanding to suit growth both good and important, names matter little, clear description and understanding of ranks and roles criticaly important.
Kind regards Norbit1, officer
30.04.2021 - 11:50
Thank you Norbit1 for your input and suggestions. Fully agree that the actual titles matter little. The important thing is that any new structure has a clearly defined progression of roles and responsibilities within the coalition. I look forward to more input and suggestions particularly from the atWar management team and other coalition leaders and officers. Let's get this idea out of the planning stage and into the design phase.
31.05.2021 - 02:37
Hi all, reading this hoping your all covid safe or being safe, Pats on Backs to everyone inputing to good positive progression, can we the current leadership please take a vote on ranks as per the forum post recent and get on with it.
again the number, name/ title maters little, lets defing the roles as per suggested and make this great clan feared by other clans and looked up too by the players generally as something they want to be part of.

warm regards Norbit1.
13.02.2023 - 12:08
So, one additional idea that I have to Expand the Coalition Leader/Officer Structure is to provide rewards and recognition within atWar for players who are leaders, officers etc. Most of us understand that atWar is all about rewards and recognition. For example, when you look at a player's profile, it shows you what rank the player is at, as well as his rank symbol. A similar type thing could also be done to the same effect on the profile page where it displays the player's coalition. So, instead of just naming the coalition that the player is a member of, you could identify that the player is a leader or officer etc. This is just one example. Let me know if you have others?
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