18.11.2017 - 03:32
'Normal Wall' - is a 3 units wall around a city. Is the most used type of wall on atWar because it needs the least number of units (3) to fully blocks enemy's attack on your city. ![]() 'Rewall' - moving your 3 wall units away and making a new wall by 3 new units, so you have a wall again if your enemy breaks the first wall. Don't use it because it's unwritten rule on atWar since it's a very bitchy move and only jerks use it. ![]() 'Croatian wall' - is a 4 unit wall at the beggining of the game. It is very similiar to a 'bigwall' and consist elements of 'rewall', but not fully same. While your enemy breaks that wall, you move these 4 units and make a new 3 units wall for another turn, so your city is still walled. ![]() 'Serbian wall' - killing your enemy's wall-fuck unit and making a new 3 units wall. Or killing the entire enemies wall and making your own one. Can be considered as 'rewall', but not fully same. ![]() ![]() 'Bigwall' - is a type of wall with more than 4 units. You are either trapping enemies wallfuck and making it useless or you are doing it so you can asure your 3 units wall for the next turn. Consist elements of 'rewall' but not even quite same. After you successfully make it, you can do either a 'normal wall', either a 'Serbian wall' depending on whether your enemy put his wall-fuck unit near your city or not. ![]() 'Albanian wall' - is a 'wall' when any of above types of walls fail (said by Mauzer) ![]() Thanks to Croat for this contribution. ![]()
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18.11.2017 - 03:45
Your serbian wall definition is incorrect, a serbian wall is when you kill an entire wall and wall in its place. What you have listed under serbian wall is, to my knowledge, allowed. If you want a serbian wall demo, just rewall against me in 3v3 ![]()
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18.11.2017 - 03:47
The simplest definition of Serbian wall is killing enemies unit and making a new wall. Something harder type of it is killing the entire enemies wall and making your own wall around his (or your) city. And I guess both is considered as a Serbian wall, because Serb wall consist killing at least one enemy unit near city.
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18.11.2017 - 03:50
Fair enough. I will continue to do the serbian wall you lisred here though, at least until the majority of the community feels that it shouldnt be allowed.
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18.11.2017 - 03:53
And also, we never opened a clear discussion about Serb wall (and another kind of walls, also). It always stayed as some blurry wall definition and it is just standing on the edge of 'allowed' or 'not allowed'. Correct me if I am wrong..
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18.11.2017 - 03:55
I'll open discussion thread when i get home, unless you want to do it now. So many blurry areas. If i kill all 3 units of a wfed wall and wall, is it disallowed? What if i do the same on my own city? Or killing a single wf?
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18.11.2017 - 03:59
Those are questions I'm talking about. This thread was from fun and ma boredom, primarily to make it funny about Albanian wall beucase that Mauzer's quote was epic. Feel free to open a discussion later ![]()
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18.11.2017 - 04:40
a serbian wall is killing the entire complete wall then 'ghost' walling same turn - what you have said is killing a wf and walling, completely different. to me the only forbidden walls are ones that cannot be countered so all of these are legit, even a bitchy serbian wall as described above can be countered if you wf yourself. (though I agree it is a low tactic) Also croatian wall is a zizou wall ok!
18.11.2017 - 04:44
It is allowed if the wall has failed to form (see albanian wall) as it is in effect killing open troops. Remember all of these are gentleman rules, something should only be considered a game breaker if you cant counter it, otherwise you are just diluting game play. For example t1 wf is uncounterable and ruins game development so is universally agreed as a nono in competitive games.
18.11.2017 - 04:49
Yeah, serb wall is killing a wall and making a new one at the same turn. Killing a unit and making a wall could be described as a.. Catalonia wall, for some reason.
18.11.2017 - 07:12
Zizou is Italian Croat; his roots were from Istria, but his ancesters moved to Italia in 19th century. So actually, it's also a Croatian wall.
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18.11.2017 - 07:52
I always thought that only type of serbian wall that is not allowed is the one where you kill all the enemy walls and create a new wall in one turn.
18.11.2017 - 07:57
idc if hes from neverland. its a zizou wall
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18.11.2017 - 07:59
it is that, he didn't show the correct form of it
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18.11.2017 - 08:16
Why would you let them take decisions for yourself. LukeTan, you must decide by yourself if you're going to use it or not. But jeez. The whole wall topic causes so many controversies. Just check this thread - it is atWar's largest discussion thread that I've ever seen. https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=16005
18.11.2017 - 08:20
Everything is allowed. Even wf t1. I think acq even got to ask admins about rewall, and they happened to consider it a 'nice tactic'. I believe someone made an attempt to have an standardized set of non-written rules (such as WF t1) which the community follows. Dunno in what it ended, but wouldn't be surprised if it didn't got to happen.
18.11.2017 - 08:51
Conventions are conventions. I feel that it is my right to inform others if I am going to do something that is not allowed by convention. But I need to know what is convention first.
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18.11.2017 - 09:18
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18.11.2017 - 09:20
You can't know what convention it is... because there's no convention.
Take the bigwall problem for example. If you ever make a big wall around your capital and for some reason it get's WF'ed, some players will respect it and allows you to make an inner wall inside of it. Other players (me, aoki,sf) will WF the inner wall for considering the outer wall the same as an inner wall. I've ever seen other players (opi) to outright attack your capital T2 ( I guess because you didn't meant to wall your capital, but it's surroundings, which are not the same). What should you expect? Perhaps you have your own conception (or borrowed other player's conception) about what is part of the convention and what is not. If we break into such gray area, will you threat it to be the same as wf t1 or rewall and blacklist us for doing it? Will you respond to us by rewalling / serbian walling us for having our own conceptions about what is allowed and what is not?
18.11.2017 - 09:58
Clovis, you know the definition of a cap wall, and sense check your own previous views.
18.11.2017 - 10:15
There was funny picture which someone sent me in the job. It all started with some requirements analysts which though that "everybody knows what a store is", and felt that they shouldn't define it. Later on it was found that everybody had a different definition about it. So, I probably know what a cap wall is, but it's just as probable that my definition is not what you'd expect ![]() As for the sense check, do you mind pointing it out.
18.11.2017 - 10:31
Mod elections are upp again? ![]()
18.11.2017 - 11:16
You understand the context of the thread, therefore with a reasonable level of deductive reasoning you can identify the referenced noun and apply the correct definition.
18.11.2017 - 15:00
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