Написано от Cthulhu, 02.09.2014 at 00:42
If you search "war risk online game" on google, the first result is atwar
Let's use some more common phrases (Using Google, Bing, and Yahoo!):
"risk game online" = Third Result (Google), Eighth Result (Bing), Ninth Result (Yahoo!)
"strategy war game online" =
First Result (Google), [Not on first page] (Bing), [No Result on first page] (Yahoo!)
"strategy war online" = Third Result (Google), Seventh Result (Bing), [No Result on first page] (Yahoo!)
"war strategy online" = Third Result (Google), Eighth Result (Bing), [No Result on first page] (Yahoo!)
"strategy risk online" =
First Result (Google, Sixth Result (Bing), Sixth Result (Yahoo!)
"risk online" = Seventh Result (Google), Sixth Result (Bing), [No Result on first page] (Yahoo!)
"strategy war game" = Second Result (Google), [No Result on first page] (Bing), [No Result on first page] (Yahoo!)
Based on this data, we can deduct that:
1. "AtWar" is a much more frequent result on Google
2. Both Bing and Yahoo share many results, both nearly always lower in results for AtWar than Google.
3. "AtWar" was only the first result in 9.5% of all searches conducted in all three engines.
4. "AtWar" was only the first result in 28.5% of all searches conducted in Google solely.
5. In both Bing and Yahoo! search engines, AtWar never showed up as the first result in all searches.
6. "AtWar" was in the first five results in 28.5% of all searches conducted in all three search engines.
7, The only time "AtWar" was in the first five results in any search engine was when searches were conducted in Google.
8. In 33.3% of all searches in all three search engines, AtWar was not on the first page of results.
I cannot say whether this is an improvement on Afterwind whatsoever, as data for these searches do not exist. However, I also noticed that
AtWar was one of the only recurring titles in every search, so that is definitely a plus. If I had to guess: The name does not pertain, nor stress the subject matter at this point. Was "AtWar" an appropriate and suitable replacement to "Afterwind"? That's debatable, but considering I still see Afterwind banners and images, as well as it's name being plastered all over Youtube, Krautchan, and /int/, I would imagine it's probably the better option in the long run.
Consider this: Brands and Ideas need to be easily recognized. AtWar's name is slightly catchy, and it's logo is recognized by it's large W. Afterwind, on the other hand, has a much more infrequently used term as a name, making it extremely recognizable and comparable, but it's larger flaw was contained within it's near-nonexistent logo design, suffice to say. For a much more lengthy name, as Afterwind possessed, it could've use a much more simplified logo design and recognizable traits, in the long run.
Overall: AtWar seems to be the better choice for the moment. But if the devs ever wish to popularize their game (Which I do not believe they do), their marketing needs to finalize on an image (as I've been stating for years), as well as beginning to socialize with Reviewers, Magazines, Websites, and the likes to achieve a much more massive audience. Not to mention, it also must iron-out and redesign many aspects of the game for HTML5 and general fairness (No, not banlists and nerfs/boosts, but an evolution to Moderation, Strategies, and stagnant and boring gameplay), before it can even think about turning a profit. That's just my two cents.