17.06.2011 - 01:38
So, lately I've heard some complaints about the local "trolls" - let's see how bad the situation is.
17.06.2011 - 03:10
There are a lot of great people, but then, u have trolls, like vafika, sometims fruit etc... But thanks to your great idea (ignore list) i cant read their posts... So the situation is under control. ![]()
17.06.2011 - 07:50
Meh, they are all mad I support kosovo's sovereignty (non-trolling) also that we beat their coalition ![]()
17.06.2011 - 08:04
we beat your cln also... 1:1 if ure memory serves u....
17.06.2011 - 08:06
1-1, it is a tie In Serbia if it's a tie you win? Also we propose cln war everyday but Pera seems to have to go to tennis even at night, aspiring Federer!
---- Afterwind Summer 1v1 Tournament Final Victory With music and annotation Afterwind Autumn/Winter 2v2 Tournament Final Victory Only music this time
17.06.2011 - 08:16
I fourth Reaper because actually Vafika is a fucking Douche-bag.Seriously, c'mon that guy trolls kids and serbs for a living.Let me give you guys some examples: The assassins win a CW and the assassins members start spiting hate on global and join into Kanker's coalition game saying that we will lose because we suck.(First example of Vafika's trolling) Vafika does a duel with Reaper.Reaper gets all butthurt and starts crying because he lost to vafika(OH JIIZ, THAT PERFECT TROLLING). Than you have Pera saying he's an awesome player and that he's 100 times better than me while he claims vafika is such a fucking loser lol(You can check my logs about Pera's battle, I accept everything he says with sarcasm, such narcissism). The assassins are just butthurt because they lost to Kanker in the CW and because I won vs Pera in a duel. But nevermind let's stop the off-topic since I'm pretty much handicapped due to my mute that I can't even talk in-game. I have complains towards Otonoko who abuses global to advertise his games, Gardevoir since he's pretty much doing what I did and not getting a perma-ban, TheRedArmy because 100% of the time he's being aggressive on my ass saying "Vafika sucks", Pera is always swearing towards us, the Czechs are literally stalking and latejoining my games while telling us to "Go To Fuck". I do have more and I'm sure you know the rest since I sent a wall of text to you. In before reaper denies it and Amok/Ivan don't take me seriously because of the non-existing solar-eclipse. Edit:The game community is rather childish to take the internet seriously, it's full of elitistic jerks who think they are awesome while showing their e-penises on the global chat.In general mediocre.Yes it may seem stupid from me or somewhat arrogant but it's the very truth.Sorry for not being in the 13 or 15 to claim the "truth".
17.06.2011 - 08:52
Im just going to say this... Vafika, we dont care about your complexes, we dont care about your damn trolling,we just want to play this game for an hour or so and go back to life... This game is a great stress relief, but i cant enjoy it while u are constantly insulting/trolling everybody....
17.06.2011 - 08:54
If you don't have trolls, people flaming and hating each other then you don't have a game (nor a forum). Anyways, even the trolls of Afterwind (with few exceptions) are fine in my opinion. That said, I can tell you that I find the community good. @Vafika: All I can say about that situation is that you got what you wanted. Come on, if you like to insult/troll others what do you expect them to do when they find you again in another match? I understand your point about some childish behavior, but you can show them, as a grown person, that you don't care, and ignore it (or report?!).
---- "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
17.06.2011 - 10:26
XAXAXAX.But pinheiro I don't really care the point is that me not caring brought me consequences.See everyone not caring and some caring is making this unbalanced to the point of Ivan and Amok thinking I'm the only one that does shit, therefore MUTING ME forever on multiple channels. Oh and to reaper you touched my heart when your clan said "go to fuck" and shit.Now I don't even need to take the pills anymore...THE VOICES ARE GONE!ALL THANKS TO YOU SERBS...KOSOVO...STRONG? inb4 lol you mad
17.06.2011 - 10:41
damn.... i really dont care bout kosovo, and i really dont care bout u.... stop trolling stop spaming stop insulting, and one day people will stop calling u a troll... And, ure not the only one, but ure best at it....
17.06.2011 - 11:02
Uhhh since im the poster child of all good things (except for my skin color) i'm going to say that I like the community. The only people I don't like are people that can't take a joke and get all buttmad when are said something to. Newbies actually 'pr' me and tell me that they like my style and such and I help noobs out all the time, it's not like trolling is bad (I dont troll btw)...it's people who take it seriously that MAKE it bad. imo ban the people who take it to heart for having no sense of humor whatsoever... let me give you a scenario: A bunch of trolls walk in a room. They start conversing, cracking jokes, etc. ALL OF A SUDDEN, A SERB WALKS IN THE ROOM and is all like HUEHUEHUEH WTF IS U SAYING MENG!?!?! The trolls then troll the serbs, making the trolls sound like bad people, however the only reason they sound like bad people is because this serb called them out. So in this case, going by a classic definition of a troll, the SERB is actually trolling...IN CONCLUSION, anyone who aggravates or feeds the troll should be banned rather than the troll himself. 'Trolling' isn't exactly a valid term, 'joking' should be the correct term. And people who can't take jokes shouldn't be living. period.
---- I was banned for your sins VAGlJESUS ["I love me some KFC"]
17.06.2011 - 12:30
Imma stay outa this one.... @Vafika Gardevoir DID get banned...
---- ...
17.06.2011 - 14:45
I found some people fairly annoying. like yesterday i took germany in 4 turns as turkey. and hes like f u man. and implying playing well is a disgrace. then today a high ranked player tried to convince me (4 times) and other allies to backstab the others. at the end he would call me a fag. other than that most people are alright those who know the difference between trolling and joking
17.06.2011 - 14:48
yes, but u have to make a line between trolling and insulting.... here s this scenario... Serbs playing a game, trolls enter starrt making fun of them, somebody tells them to stop, and they insult HIM, u idiot, moron, retard, etc.... Is that still trolling?
17.06.2011 - 16:57
We russian pulice.Bribes us and we give you brides.Vafika cannot into troll cuz if he trolls every starts crying and Ivan start getting pissed cuz of everyone hatin on mah nigz. Ivan must create the option to ignore players xDDDD!!!!
17.06.2011 - 19:11
I'm labelled as a troll though I'm terrible at it and I indulge rarely ![]()
---- Afterwind Summer 1v1 Tournament Final Victory With music and annotation Afterwind Autumn/Winter 2v2 Tournament Final Victory Only music this time
17.06.2011 - 19:18
I am the CW diplomat
---- Afterwind Summer 1v1 Tournament Final Victory With music and annotation Afterwind Autumn/Winter 2v2 Tournament Final Victory Only music this time
17.06.2011 - 23:35
What you described right there isn't trolling.Taking a PM and post it on general isn't trolling but rather an humiliation.See gardevoir(or gard's friend) I don't really care if do your daily diarrhea on the forum, just don't do it about me, OK? -Because it's rather stupid you talking about Vafika since I'm motherfucking muted on every channel except clanchat/allychat and PM chat.THAT FUCKING TROLL MANG. I may have to ask VAG to control his adolescent friends to talk shit about since it became so mainstream because what shit could I have done this week? -No seriously tell me I would like to hear an example or at least a printscreen.OH AND DURR YOU CAN ALWAYS IGNORE THE PLAYER XD.
I don't really give a shit about you or about anyone.I just want to be the best player on AW.You could stop playing and I wouldn't even notice.BTW every time you say "extreme" you make lol, seriously stop making yourself such a victim.
Sure.Let's like shooting yourself in the leg.I could easily farm rep by helping new players and remove those reviews or I simply couldn't care since it became mainstream to talk shit about me without really knowing who's Vafika.
Not even going comment this one.
So you talk about my mistakes for a whole text but you...SEEMS OK BRO, JOKES ON YOU I WAS JUST TROLLING XD. This text is what people know of Vafika, SHIT, 0, nothing.It just became mainstream to talk shit about Vafika. WHO'S VAFIKA?-WHAT'S VAFIKA?-WHAT'S VAFIKA'S CURRENT NAME?-WHERE IS HE?-HOW DOES HE TROLL?-IS HE A TROLL? Please answer my questions. "TROLL" In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory[citation needed], extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[3] The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted". While the word troll and its associated verb trolling are associated with Internet discourse, media attention in recent years has made such labels subjective, with trolling describing intentionally provocative actions outside of an online context. For example, mass media uses troll to describe "a person who defaces Internet tribute sites with the aim of causing grief to families." That definition right there isn't me.You might have to create a definition to characterize me.I would suggest calling me Mr.GardevoirNewaccounthatingonmewhilespammingonglobalforhoursinarow. BTW I voted terrible annoying since that I go to forums about politics and they don't even give a shit about my sarcasm.Must be from being Mainly Central Europeans and not Americans or Serbs.I'm still laughing of many of you kids making the internet a serious shit.Do you even have a social life besides your friends list? I'm considering playing on other account not linked to kanker just to pass by as a normal player(being vafika is getting very maintstream) and see everyone being accused of being Vafika. EDIT: Hello gardevoir, I heard you requested a ban because you were muted, shit sucks bro. I WOULD ALSO REQUEST A BAN ON EVERY GARD'S ACCOUNT because as you can see he farmed duels.Check his profile.
FXFXFXFXtrollFXF Профилът е изтрит. |
18.06.2011 - 03:21 FXFXFXFXtrollFXF Профилът е изтрит.
Seems like no one appreciates a good troll. I like people that bring a bit fun into the game more than this little kids crying for bans. Vafika STRONG
18.06.2011 - 09:52
Vafika should go die. He trolls here, he even trolls on /int/ (the board) he went "full retard" and actually got kicked out of /int/ we believe in repeatedly which is almost unheard of. It is in our coalition's statement that unless you are an absolute arsehole, you will almost always be let back in. He belongs to 4chan. Case closed. <-- hence why suck-ups like megapera find his behaviour acceptable. By the way, megapera, just because certain people don't catch your sarcasm doesn't mean they're idiots or from other parts of the world necessarily. Each to his own. Finally, I don't see why everyone hates Gardevoir so much. Yes, it is well known he is bisexual but that was should never have been a reason to hate anybody in the first place. He doesn't troll and is fairly passive-aggressive most of the time which I respect very highly in a community full of basement dwellers. He's honestly a nice guy. What do you have against him? Liking Pokemon? All of the people that despise him have many of their own deficiencies which others could use against them. It's just that Gardevoir is far more visible due to his huge post count and so on which makes him be targeted so much. This needs to stop.
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
18.06.2011 - 10:43
He does troll, he just sucks at it. He is aggressive when it comes to his fail trolling as well (such as how he has threatened to beat me up many times). I happen to have no problem with his bisexuality; so this is irrelevant. The main reason I dislike him comes down to the fact I really can't stand him, I find him overly dramatic when it comes to little things and he tries too hard to seem smarter than he really is. Note I am not being butthurt over his 'trolling', It's just that he seems like a regular teenager whom really have no place anywhere. Perhaps if he wasn't so annoying and made so many people dislike him he woudn't be targeted at all, I am on the forums all the time and talk in global a lot and yet I hardly get targeted except by /int/ who is mad over me leaving(who by the way keep asking for me to come back), serbians who are angry over me supporting kosovo, and random people trying to make a name for themselves by making THE PRO TROLL ANGRY. anyways, the simple way to avoid being targeted is not putting much personal info out there. We can't make fun of things we do not know. also - ITT: YOBA WHITE KNIGHTING GARDEVOIR
18.06.2011 - 11:37
There is extreme hatred towards Vafika, that roots somewhere else. I'll admit, I didn't like him myself after he jewed our game. The thing is towards /int/ he's done nothing other than that, only some spam in cln chat after a brief return inside. So much time has past since then, no other offences followed, there is no other reason to hate him if you were in /int/. Even now he's muted from everywhere, how can he troll? However /int/ does passionately hate him, why? It's because of an (artificial to me since I cannot claim being a part of either communities, despite the fact that I joined /int/, it was because multikulti had given me some background information on krautchan and ironail suggested I joinedthe coalition) rivalry of the two websites and the attitudes of both; krautchan and 4chan. 4chan supposedly has no quality nor point and is infested with immature people who have no regard of anything, what gardevoir would call 'the bad trolls'. Krautchan supposedly has the utmost quality, people share 'feels' (LOL) and everything is cosy and nice, along with intelligent discussion on international matters. I will not discuss whether the above statement on the chans is wrong; to an extent they are both wrong. 4chan isn't all shit and krautchan isn't all greatness (and don't fucking challenge me, I can get on right now and find a slav inferiority and gay porn thread). This is why /int/ hates Vafika so much. The funny thing is however that Vafika can't be a 4channer since portoguese ISP has banned it! In their minds, Vafika is the idol of 4chan, the physical impersonation of all 4chan's terrible attributes, the embodiment of the Idea of 4chan. The logical fallacy (vafika=4chan which we hate) can easily be proven by numerous posts, including quite a few in the coalition's forum, part of which I saw myself. What you need it learn to hate, don't make me copy and paste what was saved from those posts. Even in global and other game chats, you come forth with the arguement 'bernd for bernd'. Why you feel betrayed that a non-bernd left you for a (pseudo)4channer? Leave those rivalries outside the game, because only you can understand them and anyone that is here to play doesn't care much about it either. Accusing Vafika serves your misplaced hatred. Concluding, /int/ hates Vafika because they hate 4chan for their own reasons which has nothing to do with the game. DO NOT TRY TO DETER BY SAYING KRAUTCHAN IS BETTER THAN 4CHAN. You identify Vafika with 4chan, this is the real issue. If not, say specifically what Vafika has done in the last 2 months and keep in mind I was with you and I know too. On Vafika's trolling (the case vs serbs and gardevoir) Gardevoir seems to be involved in some chan to an extent, though I cannot confirm this. Whatever I said about int applies to Gardevoir too, except for the game jewing, which he wasn't in anyway. "But Vafika annoys me so much, he trolled me" On much of the trolling I observe. All the people accused of trolling (me [though I rarely troll], matt, fruit, vafika) rarely swear and use profanity. I swear far more often. Just because you do it doesn't mean they did too. Specifically I can easily recall your forum posts that got you banned Gardevoir. Fruit posted something which intended or not baited you. Your first post was more or less: "if I could kick you over the internet I would" His post was: >implying a 14 year old can beat up a 20 year old Then you started going offensive, saying he has no life, wanna fuck with me and whatnot. The bottom line is, rarely has anyone swore at you, especially recently with Vafika being muted from everywhere. Jokes on you yes, but hardly offensive like "sucking Ivan's balls". Also I have to remind you you were impersonating him along with your ex-friend Zero while he wasn't even on the game, why? Now to the Serbs, after you consecutively dodged our proposal for CW by Pera going to tennis at 10 at night, everyone else having to go but then magically later you were playing vs BiteMe! Too and just claimed "we won you 1-0", it was only suitable to troll you back by the same old Kosovo and Albania stupidity. I'm surprised you fell for it. No swearing from fruit's and matt's side either. Then you start going "go to fuck" "i fuck ur mom" "i fuck albanian mom". LAKI ZAJEBAN is the most outspoken on excessive swearing. After all that you demand retribution? I have to remind you too that Fruit and Matt were not alone in this, maybe all this trend to hate on anyone with Vafika hit you? Try to recall who else joined on the 'trolling' please before labelling everyone (that goes to everyone of you) and making easy accusations.
---- Afterwind Summer 1v1 Tournament Final Victory With music and annotation Afterwind Autumn/Winter 2v2 Tournament Final Victory Only music this time
18.06.2011 - 12:16
1) YOU DO NOT MENTION KC'S FULL NAME, EVER. EVER. Edit your post now! 2) Vafika doesn't actually post that much on /int/ proper, but you forgot how often he trolls *over global chat* in Afterwind. 3) Gardevoir comes from reddit, basically a 4chan lite with far more creative trolling. Most memes that have spread to other places on the internet such as FOREVER ALONE have spread through reddit via 4chan. Still, Gardevoir definitely knows his memes pretty well. 4) You just showed what arseholes Vafika and most people in your coalitions are in the last sentence. I bet you can name at least 1 situation where you felt unfairly beaten and bitched about it. Someone whining about losing a game, whether unfairly or not, doesn't give you an excuse to call them names. Calling them names is NOT trolling. But in your case it was, because you wen't "off-topic" and started inciting nationalist hatred to get a response you find funny. That, sir, is trolling. 5) Portuguese ISPs don't ban 4chan. Not even Iranian ones did until a couple of years ago FFS. 6) You clearly don't know enough about /int/. I wouldn't comment on it with your present knowledge. Mind you, not everyone at KC hates 4chong, but they hate the posters that come from there and impose their retarded trolling on us and destroy the theme of pure love /int/ is known for. Many 4chan boards are actually fairly respectable, such as /po/. Then again, these are highly specialised and obviously not as bad as the kanker known as /b/. KC mainly gets people from 4chan's /new/ (AKA /stormfront/) and /int/ (AKA /new/ for Europeans and South Americans). Finally, /int/ is not about international matters, it's a general board unlike in 4chan. Many don't understand this. But such threads are accepted too. So shut your god-damn mouth about KC until you LAUER MEER! Note to Bernds: Don't worry, Aristo hasn't compromised or cosy community, he honestly has the character and lack of a GF of a typical Bernd.
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
18.06.2011 - 12:40
I forgot to reply to this. Vafika trolls. It may not affect you, but may hurt or annoy others. Doing this on purpose is trolling and trolling is not nice. On the Bernd for Bernd issue; there's nothing stopping you from leaving. It's in the coalition's statement, after all. Think of /int/ we believe in like this:
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
Cacow Профилът е изтрит. |
18.06.2011 - 13:05 Cacow Профилът е изтрит.
Well. I know Vavika as a very nice and humble person. Maybe he trolls sometimes but i guess he only does to entertain. Otherwise I played against a lot of /int/ guys and most of them started calling me names when they lost, talking shit about the games and didnt even write a "gg" after. Your coalition appears like the gathering of all impolite players in AW to me. I think you should care about your own community before blaming others.
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