07.11.2010 - 07:30
I got some Ideas just think about them or not ![]() btw: Sry for my bad english but this is my 2nd try to post this msg and the last one dissapeard right before posting it and my patience is now nearly 0! 1. Add more Game modes: No Milita - Neutrals build and got Infantry instead of Militia Stronger Neutrals - Neutrals build more Units over time. They use Tanks and Infantry to protect their border. They try to recapture lost cities. No Stealth - Stealth units loose the stealth ability. Instead they got maybe more att/def/movement speed. Change Capitals - If a player buy a Country or conquer all cities of a country he can once switch the captial to another town in this country. Fortified Cities - Cities are much harder to Capture. But they only can hold a x amount of units. So most of the battles will fought outside towns. Expensive Defend - (Only in Combination with Fortified Cities) - Units that are placed in Cities got a increased maintance cost as long as they stay in the city. This way ppl dont just start to max out the defense in every city. They must rly decide which points rly need the defense. 2. Naval/Air/stealth shouldnt capture towns without a little more sacrafice After successfully attack on a town with Air/naval units a Window pop up. You want to convert some of your units to simple infantry to get control over this town? Yes / No You got a adjuster to decide how many units you want to convert. You should need at least need 2 converted infantry to capture a town. 3. Converting naval/air to infantry shouldnt 1:1 Example: 2xSubmarine = 1 Infantry 1xBattleship = 1 Infantry 3xBomber = 1 Infantry 4xStealth Bomber= 1 Infantry 4. Cities on Foreign ground should be more usefull. They should produce 50% of their income and reinforcment 10% of those Cityincome is transfered to player that hold the Capital. This way the game gain some rly tatics (Until now everyone know that you want to capture capitals first cause anything else make no sense!) 5. Detect stealth Cities should detect in a area around them all stealth units Units can spot in a small area stealth units, but stealth unit that spotted this way dont reveal their exact amount of units (example: 5-30 Stealth Bombers) 6. Add landscape modificators Jungle should reduce for example the movmentspeed. And reduce the defend and attack abilities of some units. 7. Add special abilities (World in Conflict like) If you destroy/loose cities/units you get battlepoints. With this battlepoints you can use each round 1-2 abilities. Example for abilities: Radar Scan - Scan for 1 round a big area. Reveal units (stealth too). Set a Outpost - A little Outpost with a bit def. Reveal all kind of units. Can only be placed near own cities/units. Extra Costs 1 Reinforcment is needed Set a secret Outpost - A little Outpost without def. Reveal all kind of units. Got stealth. Can be placed everywhere. Extra Costs 1 Reinforment and some gold. Create X Unit - Create the choosen Unit near at a owned city. Low maintance - Reduce the Maintance cost for some round Incomeboost - Boost the Income for the next round. Stealth detect - All units get Stealthdetect for 1 round Increased Sightrange - All units/cities get for 1 round a increased range of sight. All Abilities should get some counter. Counters are consumed when the ability is used. Counters regenerate over time. Abilities start in the first week with 0 counters.
07.11.2010 - 12:29
I think this is because there aren't many players, and most of them are just new to the game. Capturing cities on foreign ground is very helpful. Capitals are usually defended much heavier, so it is easier to take other cities. However, when you take another city, you deny the enemy the country bonus, the city money and any reinforcements they could build at that city. Taking as many enemy cities during reinforcement week as you can severely hurts the enemies abilities to fight. Then it makes taking the capital much easier.
07.11.2010 - 13:06
okay... that could be a tatic but its not a good one. I explain mine: Take the Captial all enemy cities are usless. he will loose everything in this country. you can decide which one is the best... mine or yours ![]()
07.11.2010 - 13:37
So if you were Vietnam and the enemy was China, Beijing has 30 militias, Guiyang only 5. What would you do just right before reinforcement week? Ignore the fact that next round your opponent will be able to build 8 tanks just in reach of your capital because you deem it useless to attack anything but the enemy's capital?
07.11.2010 - 19:36
Air Craft Carriers And more other naval units and some more ground units
08.11.2010 - 02:37
A lot more units are coming later, trust me.
14.06.2013 - 16:33
i liked this ![]()
---- .10. atWar Radio<3 play for fun, just for fun.
14.06.2013 - 19:14
this is on 2010 and we are now in 2013 man !
14.06.2013 - 21:20
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
Guest20572 Профилът е изтрит. |
15.06.2013 - 00:41 Guest20572 Профилът е изтрит.
We are still waiting for them. Take your time. *TrueStory*
15.06.2013 - 03:42
lul ![]()
---- .10. atWar Radio<3 play for fun, just for fun.
15.06.2013 - 10:13
Nice i hope they will be Special attack and defence units so you make a strategy for them, and we will be able to use this strategy for the units in our scenarios. And make naval and air defence units in scenarios work on NC and SM so we can use them better. ![]()
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