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Strategy, that suits your needs.

Master Of Stealth
Tank General
Naval Commander
Perfect Defence
Other (if any)

Общо гласове: 119
30.12.2010 - 04:24
Strange thing, there is no single topic about this, there is, thought, a topic about weakest strategy.

So, main question is - your favorite strategy, but, it's not so easy, as strategy can be varied, to suit your game location and needs.

More proper is to answer this question
"What strategy do you mostly prefer"

For me, it have to be Perfect Defence, for a reason, that myself here is mostly defencive player (and I know it is my weakness), so perfect defense give me cheap and tough defense.

Sometimes it can be "Imperialist" on maps, such as Africa, where you simply don't have any coin, to support 2 tanks at the same time.

All others I tend not to use, unless I am trying new (unsuccessful) approaches

PS. just now finished another game, it seems like defense is not so perfect after all.
At least versus Blitz. I kept loosing my troops with disadvantage in offence, so it's -/-
Very vicious moderator
03.01.2011 - 23:00
I've had a lot of success with Tank General, since I tend to play more aggressively, but lately I've been trying out Perfect Defence, which seems to work well, particularly in low income/high population situations because of the strong cheap units. While not as strong on offense as tanks, I've been able to overwhelm my opponents with wave after wave of infantry.
20.01.2011 - 03:17
I prefer the Guerilla Warfare, it makes the Marines cheaper, with the disadvantage that ur infantry gets weaker(i believe, cant look, am at school).

Put all those marines on air transport, then bomb the city u want an put the marines on it, works every time...only thing is, marines can't form a defence line, so u need to build intantry/tanks aswell, marines are stealthy tho).

any tips with the use of geurilla warfare?
"If you can accept losing, you can't win." ~ Vince Lombardi
20.01.2011 - 16:15
Написано от Unknown Soldier, 20.01.2011 at 03:17

any tips with the use of guerrilla warfare?

I use guerrilla warfare a lot, its great in Africa and the Mid-East. Remember that it gives advanced militia, which have the 5A, 5D normal infantry would get. These militia also have a much better move speed, but not as good as infantry.

My tip would be to mainly use militia in the early part of the game and to consolidate your gains as its too easy to overextend when you have such slow troops. Then in the mid game use all the money you've saved by mainly using militia to marine spam and quickly advance into enemy territory.
20.01.2011 - 16:31
What Yaddo said. Also, transports become very expensive, so you have to limit the number you have early on. If you start off somewhere with many cities near water (West Africa, East Africa, Central America) you can use transports to get around. Later in the game, spend your money on air transports and marines.
21.01.2011 - 11:46
I think the strategy you use often depends on what upgrades you've purchased:

If you spent the SP on Marine upgrades, than Master of Stealth is perfect, as your marines can conceivably be cheaper/stronger/FASTER/ (plus defence that doesn't equal crap) than tanks are, so the downside of nerfed tanks is negligible....

If you spend your SP on Lucky Militia I, II and Transportation upgrades, then Guerilla warfare works out great....

And if you buy the Infantry upgrades then Perfect Defence may be the route to go....

Unfortunately, I've seen no tank upgrades to help Tank Commander be anything but a newbie strategy....
25.01.2011 - 17:24
I really like naval warfare and it helped a lot. i begin to use it constantly. at the beginning, battleships are extremely strong. and it is never expected too. and underestimated.

especially in an area where lots of cities or even capitals lie at the shore. for example as sweden on a europe map you can defend almost every near city with just one fleet including your capital.

east asia is THE area for fleet-usage. you are even able to beat china with taiwan, using constant raids on shanghai or guangzhou, defending your capital and conquering japan or korea.

ok, if you are going to battle the central cities you have a disadvantage. but you are still able to protect everything and simply stomp out masses of units so the disadvantage does not count anymore. (not simply with sweden but at least you are annoying and hard to conquer as hell , giving your alles time to prepare )
26.01.2011 - 04:05
I used tank general for most of my games, but over time I started really hating how slow they moved. I mean I'm exceptionally aggressive and expanionistic, so while it was nice that my tanks were really strong and had a price reduction, once my territory got to a certain size it took AGES to get anywhere. While most of the time it wasn't an issue, it was still a pain to spend 5+ turns just amassing my army, and then another 10+ to get them where they need to be.

So I decided to try Blitz and holy jesus it's an answer to all my prayers. It only removes 1 attack from tank general, and since I'm always on the offense the negative defense doesn't matter all that much to me. But damn having my tanks move so far makes me such a happy panda, now if only tanks had upgrades like infantry and marine, so I could make them even faster. Tanks need upgrades so bad, but that's for another thread.

In short, blitz cuz it makes my tanks get to where they need to be supah fast.
26.01.2011 - 16:20
Написано от Colt556, 26.01.2011 at 04:05


So I decided to try Blitz and holy jesus it's an answer to all my prayers. It only removes 1 attack from tank general, and since I'm always on the offense the negative defense doesn't matter all that much to me. But damn having my tanks move so far makes me such a happy panda, now if only tanks had upgrades like infantry and marine, so I could make them even faster. Tanks need upgrades so bad, but that's for another thread.

In short, blitz cuz it makes my tanks get to where they need to be supah fast.

Thanks for posting this, I'm thinking about buying the blitzkrieg strategy but couldn't find any who has used it. After playing with it for awhile, is it still worth it? How do you mitigate the -2 to defense on all your units?
26.01.2011 - 18:52
I'm still not entirely sure how defense/offense stats work, if they're taken into account every battle or if it depends on whether you're attacking or defending. But so far I haven't seen that big of a difference. I can still take out neutral cities/armies with the same ammount of tanks, I haven't really gotten into a big battle with other players yet. So far I'm liking it, having all my units move so fast is really nice, but having tanks with 3 defense might prove a problem in the future.
26.01.2011 - 19:05
I think stacks take turns attacking and defending, but i don't know exactly how it works. Can someone with more knowledge correct me?
26.01.2011 - 21:37
Написано от Colt556, 26.01.2011 at 18:52

I'm still not entirely sure how defense/offense stats work, if they're taken into account every battle or if it depends on whether you're attacking or defending.

Ivan can correct me if I am wrong, but I believe it depends on whether you are attacking or defending. A stack of 100 tanks defending can get owned by 30 tanks attacking, whereas the same 100 stack would crush the 30 stack if the 100 stack were the one attacking. This is easy with neutrals because they never move, so you are always attacker.

It can get a little complicated with PVP. The way the game works is that it calculates moves based on when you make them in your turn (i.e. your first move has highest chance of going through, second move second highest chance, etc). So imagine two player stacks of 50 tanks facing each other. If you make your first move towards their stack of tanks with your own tank stack, you will likely be considered attacking, and your tanks will use their attack stat. On the other hand, if you make 20 other moves first before sending your tank stack to attack the enemy stack, chances are the other player will have moved those tanks to attack yours and your "attacking" stack will actually be defending - thus it will use the defense stats, and you will lose.
27.01.2011 - 00:03
I see, then yeah in that case Blitzkrieg is awesome as hell. Since I'm almost always the aggressor my tanks don't really suffer that much, and they move really far.
27.01.2011 - 02:16
 Ivan (Админ)
Написано от Guest14502, 26.01.2011 at 21:37

It can get a little complicated with PVP. The way the game works is that it calculates moves based on when you make them in your turn (i.e. your first move has highest chance of going through, second move second highest chance, etc). So imagine two player stacks of 50 tanks facing each other. If you make your first move towards their stack of tanks with your own tank stack, you will likely be considered attacking, and your tanks will use their attack stat. On the other hand, if you make 20 other moves first before sending your tank stack to attack the enemy stack, chances are the other player will have moved those tanks to attack yours and your "attacking" stack will actually be defending - thus it will use the defense stats, and you will lose.

Actually if two opposing armies got orders to attack each other, they will take turns attacking/defending, and it doesn't matter who moved first. Even if player A is in a city, defending, player B is attacking this city, while player A attacked him with a single tank from another location - if they all end up in the city, both forces will be attacking.
27.01.2011 - 02:22
Написано от Ivan, 27.01.2011 at 02:16

Написано от Guest14502, 26.01.2011 at 21:37

It can get a little complicated with PVP. The way the game works is that it calculates moves based on when you make them in your turn (i.e. your first move has highest chance of going through, second move second highest chance, etc). So imagine two player stacks of 50 tanks facing each other. If you make your first move towards their stack of tanks with your own tank stack, you will likely be considered attacking, and your tanks will use their attack stat. On the other hand, if you make 20 other moves first before sending your tank stack to attack the enemy stack, chances are the other player will have moved those tanks to attack yours and your "attacking" stack will actually be defending - thus it will use the defense stats, and you will lose.

Actually if two opposing armies got orders to attack each other, they will take turns attacking/defending, and it doesn't matter who moved first. Even if player A is in a city, defending, player B is attacking this city, while player A attacked him with a single tank from another location - if they all end up in the city, both forces will be attacking.

I had no idea at all this is how it works.
27.01.2011 - 02:44
 Ivan (Админ)
Oops, actually it turns out that in your city you're always defending.
27.01.2011 - 03:04
Yes so it can be a bit random how it turns out with the movements. But I like it this way, war is messy after all.

I think the problem is that it seems no one really understands the movement system, perhaps if it was made clear people would be more comfortable.
27.01.2011 - 11:10
I've been using guerillla warfare to great success, the cost and upkeep of militia are cheap and they're surprisingly strong with the upgrades from this strat. I managed to defend half of south america from a three front push from china/russia america/uk and all of africa for over 40 turns with only militia before they were able to cap me.
21.06.2011 - 13:19
Well depends on what part of the world you playing as if your playing in a sceniorio with no air troops allowed you would use guerlilla warfare and tank genreal then naval commandar etc
23.06.2011 - 03:39
Colt556 pretty much said exactly what i would have. blitz is awsome and poops all over every other strategy, and why wasnt it put up there?
i know there's an answer i just don't know what it is yet
27.06.2011 - 14:23
Blitz is awesome? I will challenge anyone using blitz to a 1 vs 1, I will use GW. You will have no chance. Blitz fails vs defense lines. You attack defense lines, you don't get into the city, I use my first move next turn to attack your tanks - 50/50 your tanks are dead. Not to mention with stealth I can bypass your tanks and take those extremely weakly defended cities with a few marines. Blitz will never win at the higher levels of play, you always will need a balance of offense and defense at the higher levels of play. This is also where Mos Fails, you must use infantry for defense, but they are not cheap, and marines are SO expensive, when compared to GW where you can get good defense for 20 bucks a pop and marines for 80 bucks, MoS will never compete with GW except maybe on a world map. The MoS player has to put a Lot of more effort into the game than the GW player on any map.
28.06.2011 - 12:11
Challenge accepted, Sony

Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
28.06.2011 - 12:15
Ok lets do it =)
28.06.2011 - 14:37
Профилът е изтрит.
Lucky Bastard.
05.07.2011 - 13:22
Where can I read about the different strategies?
06.07.2011 - 01:35
Best advice is to look through this section of forum http://afterwind.com/forum/board.php?board_id=42
Very vicious moderator
06.07.2011 - 10:04
I see most players voted Perfect defense but they don't comment. It's actually a classic strategy and i bet everyone using some other strategy underestimates PD. It's cheap, and most important part you don't need any other unit except infantry. You just make loads of infantry and conquer neutral cities, and if possible with general as he has an upgrade of +1 to infantry attack. They're also undestroyable in cities. Especially if enemy is attacking with tanks, they have 11 defense against tanks, and 10 against everything else. BTW this is in generals stack and with my upgrades but this strategy rocks and it's best for begginers
Never go to war with a country whose national holiday celebrates a defeat in 1389.
09.07.2011 - 14:34
I used Tank General twice and died quickly. So I despise that strategy. And when someone uses it, I tend to take a bunch of cities behind his back and leave him troop-less. I prefer the Sky Menace, good for long-distance combat. As agressive as it is, it can still have a strong defense. Great Combinator, I use in Europe games for close-quarter superior attack and defense, though it costs a bunch to hit distant targets. Master of Stealth is great for sneak attacks, I don't use much anymore because Marines still cost some, but Stealth are the most useful in my opinion, a must for whole world games. I rely on walls and defense lines to get good defense, also prevents sneak attacks from being sneaky.
"There was Eru, the One, who in Arda is called Ilúvatar and he made first the Ainur, the Holy Ones, that were the offspring of his thought, and they were with him before aught else was made."

-The Silmarillion
04.08.2011 - 17:58
It can depend.

I use GW for the cheap marines and decent militia. Your troops are cheap and invisible. I then like to built vast defence lines and structures to stop an incoming army. I use this most especially with Blitzkrieg which is very, very good, incredibly fast but awful defense. So it is best to hold up an enemy rather than let them attack you.

I use Master of Stealth when I can afford it. It's an expensive strategy. I use a similar pattern of lines and sneak attacks but with MoS, you have to take far more care of your economy.

I like Naval Commander but only when it involves heavy naval usage. It's great in Scandinavia and Australasia maps.

I have recently started using Sky Menace and so far, I believe this can be an unstoppable strategy with enough momentum. It requires a completely different kind of playing style.
04.08.2011 - 18:43
Написано от Tik-Tok, 04.08.2011 at 17:58

So it is best to hold up an enemy rather than let them attack you.

No shit really?
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
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