13.11.2012 - 15:40
So, the new (4th) 1v1 tourney will start in 2013, meanwhile i was thinking about creating a other new tourney. A 2v2 could be possible, but the last one is officially still running and also the first one wasn't really active. Here is a new idea for a tournament (kinda like the AW-Olympics that never started). Its about being the best (all-round) AW player. Every round starts with a new map and new settings, just because AW is more then Europe+. How it exactly gonna work i'm still not sure about, but i can work that out some more. This is just a idea, give me new suggestions or criticize if you don't like it. If there isn't much animo, i'm not even starting it ![]() The idea: All players play alone (not on coalition or country base), and will get into a 'groupfase' before getting to the knock-out phase. So everyone will play at least a few games, before getting knocked out. Also, to force and improve activity: I want to give everyone 1 or 2weeks to play his matches, without a responds i will give a auto-loss (also if both players didn't respond) and if a player didn't play for 2 games he will be automaticly disqualified. The settings: Round 1* (chaos): 20players in a Europe map, no allies allowed, 4mins Round 2* (ww2): Che's scenario; 20players in a map, 4mins Round 3* (teams): 2v2, Europe+, 10k, 4mins Round 4 (crisis): 1v1, Africa, 3k, 3mins Round 5 (speed): 1v1, Europe, 5k, 1min Round 6 (naval): 1v1, Mediterranean, 10k, 3mins Round 7 (?): Give me new idea's! *Qualification rounds, start in groupfase
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
13.11.2012 - 15:45
Where is the 1vs1 worldgame?
---- "War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means." ― Carl von Clausewitz
AlexMeza Профилът е изтрит. |
13.11.2012 - 16:24 AlexMeza Профилът е изтрит.
Where can I sign up? ![]() P.s: I like the speed one.
13.11.2012 - 16:40
Its good idea but how you will prevent secret ally between loyalty clan mates friends here for Round 1* (chaos)?
---- ![]()
13.11.2012 - 16:53
@Troll 1v1 world seems kinda boring to me ![]() But if a lot of players want it, i'm ok with it ![]() @Alex Thanks! @avatar Yeah, thats a problem, i should think of something for that. Do you have any suggestions? Maybe make teams of 2 persons that needs to ally?
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
13.11.2012 - 17:13
Naval should be pacific, I find Mediterranean usually turns into air since it is so close. chaos sounds a little luck based, I would say keep it out of an official tournament or just lower the amount of players, 20 is a ton of players. my preference would be 3 min standard, personally I think 4 min just ends up being wall spam (like yesterday if you noticed I was making walls literally everywhere just because I had like 2 minutes to spare) like the speed, like the crisis however I think since AtWar is coming soon, I would wait on picking a scenario for the ww2; I am certain better or improved maps will come out soon. I would also include a world game, maybe make it teams so the teams clash faster (the amount of players I will leave up to you) or alternatively you could make a eurasia with hold india 5 turns option Possibly a strategy specific game too, It may be hard to regulate this as there would prob be cheaters but I think it would be cool.
13.11.2012 - 17:46
1 min, blitz only. Are you fast enough?
14.11.2012 - 01:43
....... Umm... no. I'm not really sure how a mod would survive, having to filter through the chat of every private conversation, every allied conversation, and every game conversation. Not like anyone really cares about what people talk about in private chat. So anyway, it's an interesting idea, but I'm not really for the 20 player Europe game. I've played lots of those just for fun, and they're immensely imbalanced; not quite right for the tournament setting. Che's map is also imbalanced due to it being the most historically accurate WW2 scenario out there. I would, as Fruit said, wait for a popular WW2 custom map to come out. As for new suggestions, I rather enjoy 1v1s in America. You could also do an Asia game, not necessarily 1v1. It's an interesting and underused battleground, and large enough for more than 2 players.
---- "If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics." -The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
14.11.2012 - 02:56
Thanks for the new suggestions guys, let me edit some things: Standard = 3mins, +100cities, no rares <- these settings except indicated otherwise Round 1*: (world): 20players, world map, max turns25, no allies Round 2*: (teams): 2v2 Asia, 10k Round 3* (teams): 2v2, Europe+, 10k Round 4 (crisis): 1v1, Africa, 3k Round 5 (speed): 1v1, Europe, 5k, 1min Round 6 (naval): 1v1, Round 7 (?): Give me new idea's! What about doing South America too? Or Middle east? And maybe some different settings like Fruit said: Holding country 'x' for a few turns or giving 2/3 starting countries? We can use some extra settings ![]() @LilD: I hope you can signup and win all. And ehm, Mods can only see all public chats (global, room, game). With the only difference that we can see gamechats while we are in the room (but mostly it has been turned off, or you will get crazy!)
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
14.11.2012 - 05:23
Maybe a scenario where you have to capture south africa for about 3-5 turns would fit the 7th round,but making it a scenario would be important to unable all african countries other then the mediterian,the arabian peninsula including saudia would be off,south africa and ocenia won't be there either,no alliances allowed,no marines to make it fair and most cities in the country would hold atleast 20 infantries
14.11.2012 - 05:44
I like the idea, although more than a few players on the same map will be a lot of secret allying, luck and generally - chaos. ![]()
14.11.2012 - 05:57
Is there such a (balanced) scenario already? And what about the setting 'capture and hold south africa for x turns' with just the africa map as starting map?
I fixed this by making it a world game (so we at least have 1 round with a world game) and max 25turns. Allying will be useless, because you need the most SP.
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
14.11.2012 - 06:03
@Hugo, you could make a ww2, use devil's or perhelis' those games are balanced (although not historicaly accurate) I like the other games too, maybe a 10~15 people euro+ would be fun
14.11.2012 - 09:29
I have to wait a while before sign up though. I don't want to be nerfed in a tournament. Gotta get main account back.
---- Lil D has now become Deray of YGMG Here!
14.11.2012 - 09:54
I'm in ![]()
---- ![]() [pr] Commando Eagle: duel? [pr] Commando Eagle: i have to regain back the lost elos and gain extra as punishment for rush ![]() ![]()
AlexMeza Профилът е изтрит. |
14.11.2012 - 10:20 AlexMeza Профилът е изтрит.
YAY It's 3min turns ![]() So when does this start?.
14.11.2012 - 17:46
I think a 3v3 Europe+ is essential. That is kind of a huge game type that is played in Afterwind. Also, why not do one of the medieval or old age maps that have been created in AtWar(Afterwind 2. Whatever you want to call it).
---- "In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards." ~Goblin "In this game, everyone is hated." ~Xenosapien
14.11.2012 - 22:46
What about World, 20 players, FFA, Total Annihilation ? :b
15.11.2012 - 02:18
4v4 5k Europe (without ukraine,greece,poland, also no rush spain from ireland)
---- .10. atWar Radio<3 play for fun, just for fun.
15.11.2012 - 02:51
Europe+ in a teamgame is also what i think is important. But i'm not going to do 2v2 AND 3v3. So i need either one of them.
My current world game is like this, except its not total annihilation. I can change this though.
The rules have to be in the game itself. If i make all kinds of exceptions (can't do this, can't take that), it will only work as confusing and create a lot of whining and crying during the tournament.
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
15.11.2012 - 06:02
Everything that involves non-1vs1 is insufficient determining individual player skill. In team games sometimes its necessary to sacrifice yourself for your teams success. That doesnt make you a worse or better player. And without a balanced (mirror) map positioning and luck are as important as skill in FFA games.
15.11.2012 - 12:59
Hugo, I suggest that it should be 3v3 rather than 1v1. And VRIL, simply reward the entire team with the victory no matter who lives/dies on that team. Everyone on that team will recieve a victory.
---- "In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards." ~Goblin "In this game, everyone is hated." ~Xenosapien
16.11.2012 - 05:01
You mean 3v3 rather then 2v2? I can agree on that. Teams will be made randomly (based on ranks)
Exactly! However, if you got a sucky teammate, you have a problem. But i'm gonna do something about this, by giving the losing team a second chance in a 1v1 or something.
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
17.11.2012 - 12:12
Yes, this is what I mean.
---- "In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards." ~Goblin "In this game, everyone is hated." ~Xenosapien
18.11.2012 - 10:27
Round 5 (speed): 1v1, Europe, 5k, 1min 1 min is a bad idea. some players lag for over 30secs depending on connection. I suggest making the minimum 2mins turns.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
18.11.2012 - 11:00
Yeah. Tops is right. Lag would be killer on some people.
---- "In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards." ~Goblin "In this game, everyone is hated." ~Xenosapien
18.11.2012 - 13:56
yes vril have right ![]() but anyway this will be funny tournoment,player with most lucky and good skills will win
---- ![]()
18.11.2012 - 16:21
Yes, but maybe a fast-paced round should not be implemented then because lag would cost a lot of people their games.
---- "In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards." ~Goblin "In this game, everyone is hated." ~Xenosapien
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