Darth. Публикации.: 3783 от: Индия
цитирам: Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:19
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:16
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:12
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:09
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:06
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:01
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 14:55
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 14:51
, Pyrruhs, Arum, MrArmy and sometimes Zephyrusu. I could have sided with optimates but i choose to remain independent for sake of game balance.
Optimates existed last to last game stop living in the past.
You can't 'sometimes' be in a faction. You can't calculate factions by how they vote....
'remain Independent' and you're campaigning vigorously (and unconstitutionally) for Phoenix, you're vociferously siding with and defending Aqollo, JF who are in their own faction, and you're 'independent'
You are seriously stupid. Optimate members always talk to each other everyday in secret and plot how to win the game without having enigma retards fucking shit up, Since Game #1. I know how this game operates behind the scenes, Aetius laughs at your stupidity.
Ok let's assume Optimates exist (btw they're getting to be like the Illuminati. No one knows if they exist, but they're an all controlling group)
So Optimates exists allegedly, and plot how to win without Enigma fucking shit up. This contradicts with a previous point where you said (in size 7 lettera) how we're all ripping everyone else off and it's a conspiracy between Enigma and Optimates... Get your facts straight dude.
Apparently you know everything...even though you aren't a part of Optimates. Aetius if I were you I'd look for a traitor in your midst Who's leaking info to Tunder. That, or
1. He's a secret secret member
2. He's making shit up.
Notice how aetius says "we" but you are claiming aetius belongs to no faction.

Stop taking stuff out of context. I said there is no Optimates faction. I never said Aetius isn't in a faction. You're grasping at straws here.
Ok retard, then can you tell us in which faction he is? if he is not in enigma nor in my faction nor in a faction with phoenix nor in aqollos faction?
Idk you tell me since:
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 14:55
I know how this game operates behind the scenes
I said Optimates doesn't exist. A faction can't exist unless it's announced. Until then it's a fucking voting block where independents support those with common aims without pooling their money and other stuff together.
just because is not visible doesn't mean it doesn't exist, just give it a few turn before the announcement has been made.
Fine. Let's assume you are right. That still means it's 'Optimates' who're the secret power whoring faction not ENIGMA since we declared ourselves...
Omfg you're stupid.
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:22
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:21
For fuck's sake people, this is a ROME POLITICAL GAME, we are SENATORS, THE WHOLE POINT OF THE GAME IS BEING POWER-HUNGRY CUCKS TRYING TO RULE ROME. Don't get so overemotional about this.
Mate-gaming kills the spirit of the game, is like ally-fagging.
So you, Aqollo and Phoenix with JF 4v2-ing me and gow (and mostly ignoring tirp) is not allyfagging?
Notice how Aetius is never a target of assassination? is because he doesn't power-whore like you and gow do.
Optimates always makes sure to have another non-optimate in the ticket.
Darth. Публикации.: 3783 от: Индия
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:23
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:21
HOW are we power whoring xaxa
We're making the same faction over and over because we trust each other. How the Fuck are you minority if we're 3 people against the rest of you omfg. Also, let's say I'm power whoring, the point of this game is to win. How the Fuck are you to do that without making a faction with those you trust, and trying to get yourself elected to power. We never compelled you to vote for us...
When voting choices for consul are the following:
Enigma & Optimates
Optimates & Enigma
it doesn't matter how we vote, Enigma and Optimates will always end up in power. Assassination is the only way to prevent this and the GM removed it.
Hmm you first say Enigma and Optimates allied. Then you say Optimates trying to stop Enigma fucking up. Now you back to Enigma and Optimates allied. The contradictions...
Optimates doesn't yet exist. If its a secret faction we had no knowledge of it, and thus when we made nominations, we assumed we were nominating neutral independents.
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:24
Omfg you're stupid.
Learn to quote "stupid"
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:22
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:21
For fuck's sake people, this is a ROME POLITICAL GAME, we are SENATORS, THE WHOLE POINT OF THE GAME IS BEING POWER-HUNGRY CUCKS TRYING TO RULE ROME. Don't get so overemotional about this.
Mate-gaming kills the spirit of the game, is like ally-fagging.
So you, Aqollo and Phoenix with JF 4v2-ing me and gow (and mostly ignoring tirp) is not allyfagging?
Why do you and GOW keep mentioning my name?
GOW is the one who put me up for prosecution.
ps. you need to stop the fucking spamming. It's so childish its unreal.
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:18
No, it was predictable. We Knew you would be greedy and form a faction with members from enigma just like you have done so for the last 3 games. Aqollo Phoenix and I are not even in the same faction, we are just individuals pointing out your bullshit. You are power whoring this game, last game and in all the games we played. Assassination is the only way for a minority to defeat the oppression of a majority.
i dont see your problem this whole fucking game is a power hoarding game, first to get to 35 influence wins wtf dont you understand about it?
there is no happy ending here this is not a fucking disney channel program. its last man standing, caveman kind of crazy ass game.
Darth. Публикации.: 3783 от: Индия
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:25
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:22
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:21
For fuck's sake people, this is a ROME POLITICAL GAME, we are SENATORS, THE WHOLE POINT OF THE GAME IS BEING POWER-HUNGRY CUCKS TRYING TO RULE ROME. Don't get so overemotional about this.
Mate-gaming kills the spirit of the game, is like ally-fagging.
So you, Aqollo and Phoenix with JF 4v2-ing me and gow (and mostly ignoring tirp) is not allyfagging?
Notice how Aetius is never a target of assassination? is because he doesn't power-whore like you and gow do.
Optimates always makes sure to have another non-optimate in the ticket.
Aetius is rigging the game....aetius isn't power whore....aetius is part of Optimates and Optimates is power whoring.... Dude just stop. You're not grasping at straws you're trying to catch them after they've blown away.
He isn't a target of assassination because he's GM. Why don't you try and assassinate him last game instead of blaming us...
Darth. Публикации.: 3783 от: Индия
Написано от JF., 25.08.2016 at 15:26
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:22
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:21
For fuck's sake people, this is a ROME POLITICAL GAME, we are SENATORS, THE WHOLE POINT OF THE GAME IS BEING POWER-HUNGRY CUCKS TRYING TO RULE ROME. Don't get so overemotional about this.
Mate-gaming kills the spirit of the game, is like ally-fagging.
So you, Aqollo and Phoenix with JF 4v2-ing me and gow (and mostly ignoring tirp) is not allyfagging?
Why do you and GOW keep mentioning my name?
GOW is the one who put me up for prosecution.
ps. you need to stop the fucking spamming. It's so childish its unreal.
Lol I'm spamming? Wtf. You weren't involved, please don't get involved now. I won't mention your name.
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:26
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:23
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:21
HOW are we power whoring xaxa
We're making the same faction over and over because we trust each other. How the Fuck are you minority if we're 3 people against the rest of you omfg. Also, let's say I'm power whoring, the point of this game is to win. How the Fuck are you to do that without making a faction with those you trust, and trying to get yourself elected to power. We never compelled you to vote for us...
When voting choices for consul are the following:
Enigma & Optimates
Optimates & Enigma
it doesn't matter how we vote, Enigma and Optimates will always end up in power. Assassination is the only way to prevent this and the GM removed it.
Hmm you first say Enigma and Optimates allied. Then you say Optimates trying to stop Enigma fucking up. Now you back to Enigma and Optimates allied. The contradictions...
Optimates doesn't yet exist. If its a secret faction we had no knowledge of it, and thus when we made nominations, we assumed we were nominating neutral independents.
"neutral" is an illusion. all i know is that Optimates and Enigma are in bed with each other and will continue to nominate themselves to consulship for the rest of the game unless people start getting assassinated. Since i don't belong to any group there is no way for me as a true neutral to stop you guys from whoring power unless i manage to kill either of you to break the circle.
Darth. Публикации.: 3783 от: Индия
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:24
Omfg you're stupid.
Learn to quote "stupid"
Too time consuming to do properly on a phone.
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:28
Написано от JF., 25.08.2016 at 15:26
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:22
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:21
For fuck's sake people, this is a ROME POLITICAL GAME, we are SENATORS, THE WHOLE POINT OF THE GAME IS BEING POWER-HUNGRY CUCKS TRYING TO RULE ROME. Don't get so overemotional about this.
Mate-gaming kills the spirit of the game, is like ally-fagging.
So you, Aqollo and Phoenix with JF 4v2-ing me and gow (and mostly ignoring tirp) is not allyfagging?
Why do you and GOW keep mentioning my name?
GOW is the one who put me up for prosecution.
ps. you need to stop the fucking spamming. It's so childish its unreal.
Lol I'm spamming? Wtf. You weren't involved, please don't get involved now. I won't mention your name.
Answer the question dumbass
How am i ganging up on you?
And yes you're spamming stfu
Guys, some strategy, lets attack the gaul and beat the shit out of them and then quickly destroy the illyrians, unless carthage is getting annoying, in wich case we'll just attack them, wich we would do the next turn anyways
Darth. Публикации.: 3783 от: Индия
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:29
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:26
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:23
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:21
HOW are we power whoring xaxa
We're making the same faction over and over because we trust each other. How the Fuck are you minority if we're 3 people against the rest of you omfg. Also, let's say I'm power whoring, the point of this game is to win. How the Fuck are you to do that without making a faction with those you trust, and trying to get yourself elected to power. We never compelled you to vote for us...
When voting choices for consul are the following:
Enigma & Optimates
Optimates & Enigma
it doesn't matter how we vote, Enigma and Optimates will always end up in power. Assassination is the only way to prevent this and the GM removed it.
Hmm you first say Enigma and Optimates allied. Then you say Optimates trying to stop Enigma fucking up. Now you back to Enigma and Optimates allied. The contradictions...
Optimates doesn't yet exist. If its a secret faction we had no knowledge of it, and thus when we made nominations, we assumed we were nominating neutral independents.
"neutral" is an illusion. all i know is that Optimates and Enigma are in bed with each other and will continue to nominate themselves to consulship for the rest of the game unless people start getting assassinated. Since i don't belong to any group there is no way for me as a true neutral to stop you guys from whoring power unless i manage to kill either of you to break the circle.
But you said you're neutral...so which secret faction are you working for if neutral is an illusion.
You just said Optimates was trying to stop Enigma fucking shit up. That ss shows Aetius was trying to limit gow. Why would he if we were in bed together. Now you say we're allied. Make up your mind. And don't make up factions.
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:18
No, it was predictable. We Knew you would be greedy and form a faction with members from enigma just like you have done so for the last 3 games. Aqollo Phoenix and I are not even in the same faction, we are just individuals pointing out your bullshit. You are power whoring this game, last game and in all the games we played. Assassination is the only way for a minority to defeat the oppression of a majority.
i dont see your problem this whole fucking game is a power hoarding game, first to get to 35 influence wins wtf dont you understand about it?
there is no happy ending here this is not a fucking disney channel program. its last man standing, caveman kind of crazy ass game.
Every single thing i have predicted has happened, you guys are extremely predictable. It dumbfounds me to see that other people don't catch up to your greed. If nothing is done either Enigma or Optimates will win within 3 turns.
Darth. Публикации.: 3783 от: Индия
Написано от JF., 25.08.2016 at 15:29
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:28
Написано от JF., 25.08.2016 at 15:26
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:22
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:21
For fuck's sake people, this is a ROME POLITICAL GAME, we are SENATORS, THE WHOLE POINT OF THE GAME IS BEING POWER-HUNGRY CUCKS TRYING TO RULE ROME. Don't get so overemotional about this.
Mate-gaming kills the spirit of the game, is like ally-fagging.
So you, Aqollo and Phoenix with JF 4v2-ing me and gow (and mostly ignoring tirp) is not allyfagging?
Why do you and GOW keep mentioning my name?
GOW is the one who put me up for prosecution.
ps. you need to stop the fucking spamming. It's so childish its unreal.
Lol I'm spamming? Wtf. You weren't involved, please don't get involved now. I won't mention your name.
Answer the question dumbass
How am i ganging up on you?
K you asked. While the prosecution discussion was on, it was me and gow versus the rest of you.
And yes you're spamming stfu
Nice. Not mentioning Tunder, Aqollo, or even gow or Tirp. Directing at me. And then you say this.
Answer the question dumbass
How am i ganging up on you?
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:33
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:18
No, it was predictable. We Knew you would be greedy and form a faction with members from enigma just like you have done so for the last 3 games. Aqollo Phoenix and I are not even in the same faction, we are just individuals pointing out your bullshit. You are power whoring this game, last game and in all the games we played. Assassination is the only way for a minority to defeat the oppression of a majority.
i dont see your problem this whole fucking game is a power hoarding game, first to get to 35 influence wins wtf dont you understand about it?
there is no happy ending here this is not a fucking disney channel program. its last man standing, caveman kind of crazy ass game.
Every single thing i have predicted has happened, you guys are extremely predictable. It dumbfounds me to see that other people don't catch up to your greed. If nothing is done either Enigma or Optimates will win within 3 turns.
I have seen it this whole time. Thought they were greedy.
I then look at myself and realise i wanted the same.
You probably wanted alot of power yourself.
It's what the game is all about.
Darth. Публикации.: 3783 от: Индия
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:33
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:18
No, it was predictable. We Knew you would be greedy and form a faction with members from enigma just like you have done so for the last 3 games. Aqollo Phoenix and I are not even in the same faction, we are just individuals pointing out your bullshit. You are power whoring this game, last game and in all the games we played. Assassination is the only way for a minority to defeat the oppression of a majority.
i dont see your problem this whole fucking game is a power hoarding game, first to get to 35 influence wins wtf dont you understand about it?
there is no happy ending here this is not a fucking disney channel program. its last man standing, caveman kind of crazy ass game.
Every single thing i have predicted has happened, you guys are extremely predictable. It dumbfounds me to see that other people don't catch up to your greed. If nothing is done either Enigma or Optimates will win within 3 turns.
Maybe they don't 'catch up' because you're being overly paranoid...
We can't win in 3 turns don't be ridiculous. Optimates hasn't been announced, and Enigma is 3 people.
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:32
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:29
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:26
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:23
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:21
HOW are we power whoring xaxa
We're making the same faction over and over because we trust each other. How the Fuck are you minority if we're 3 people against the rest of you omfg. Also, let's say I'm power whoring, the point of this game is to win. How the Fuck are you to do that without making a faction with those you trust, and trying to get yourself elected to power. We never compelled you to vote for us...
When voting choices for consul are the following:
Enigma & Optimates
Optimates & Enigma
it doesn't matter how we vote, Enigma and Optimates will always end up in power. Assassination is the only way to prevent this and the GM removed it.
Hmm you first say Enigma and Optimates allied. Then you say Optimates trying to stop Enigma fucking up. Now you back to Enigma and Optimates allied. The contradictions...
Optimates doesn't yet exist. If its a secret faction we had no knowledge of it, and thus when we made nominations, we assumed we were nominating neutral independents.
"neutral" is an illusion. all i know is that Optimates and Enigma are in bed with each other and will continue to nominate themselves to consulship for the rest of the game unless people start getting assassinated. Since i don't belong to any group there is no way for me as a true neutral to stop you guys from whoring power unless i manage to kill either of you to break the circle.
But you said you're neutral...so which secret faction are you working for if neutral is an illusion.
You just said Optimates was trying to stop Enigma fucking shit up. That ss shows Aetius was trying to limit gow. Why would he if we were in bed together. Now you say we're allied. Make up your mind. And don't make up factions.
;^) those things aren't mutually exclusive to each other. Optimate can still try fuck enigma while temporally cooperating with it. People can still be in factions even if they don't declare them openly. People can claim to be neutral when they are not. People that don't look neutral like me may be actually neutral.
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:34
Написано от JF., 25.08.2016 at 15:29
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:28
Написано от JF., 25.08.2016 at 15:26
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:22
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:21
For fuck's sake people, this is a ROME POLITICAL GAME, we are SENATORS, THE WHOLE POINT OF THE GAME IS BEING POWER-HUNGRY CUCKS TRYING TO RULE ROME. Don't get so overemotional about this.
Mate-gaming kills the spirit of the game, is like ally-fagging.
So you, Aqollo and Phoenix with JF 4v2-ing me and gow (and mostly ignoring tirp) is not allyfagging?
Why do you and GOW keep mentioning my name?
GOW is the one who put me up for prosecution.
ps. you need to stop the fucking spamming. It's so childish its unreal.
Lol I'm spamming? Wtf. You weren't involved, please don't get involved now. I won't mention your name.
Answer the question dumbass
How am i ganging up on you?
K you asked. While the prosecution discussion was on, it was me and gow versus the rest of you.
And yes you're spamming stfu
Nice. Not mentioning Tunder, Aqollo, or even gow or Tirp. Directing at me. And then you say this.
Answer the question dumbass
How am i ganging up on you?
Cause you are the one constantly entering in my name. I defended myself in the procession. I WAS THE ACCUSED, HOW AM I GANGING ON ANYONE? IT WAS THE OTHER WAY ROUND!
цитирам: Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:35
Maybe they don't 'catch up' because you're being overly paranoid...
We can't win in 3 turns don't be ridiculous. Optimates hasn't been announced, and Enigma is 3 people.
well that and also again only one person can win not a whole faction....
Darth. Публикации.: 3783 от: Индия
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:36
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:32
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:29
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:26
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:23
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:21
HOW are we power whoring xaxa
We're making the same faction over and over because we trust each other. How the Fuck are you minority if we're 3 people against the rest of you omfg. Also, let's say I'm power whoring, the point of this game is to win. How the Fuck are you to do that without making a faction with those you trust, and trying to get yourself elected to power. We never compelled you to vote for us...
When voting choices for consul are the following:
Enigma & Optimates
Optimates & Enigma
it doesn't matter how we vote, Enigma and Optimates will always end up in power. Assassination is the only way to prevent this and the GM removed it.
Hmm you first say Enigma and Optimates allied. Then you say Optimates trying to stop Enigma fucking up. Now you back to Enigma and Optimates allied. The contradictions...
Optimates doesn't yet exist. If its a secret faction we had no knowledge of it, and thus when we made nominations, we assumed we were nominating neutral independents.
"neutral" is an illusion. all i know is that Optimates and Enigma are in bed with each other and will continue to nominate themselves to consulship for the rest of the game unless people start getting assassinated. Since i don't belong to any group there is no way for me as a true neutral to stop you guys from whoring power unless i manage to kill either of you to break the circle.
But you said you're neutral...so which secret faction are you working for if neutral is an illusion.
You just said Optimates was trying to stop Enigma fucking shit up. That ss shows Aetius was trying to limit gow. Why would he if we were in bed together. Now you say we're allied. Make up your mind. And don't make up factions.
;^) those things aren't mutually exclusive to each other. Optimate can still try fuck enigma while temporally cooperating with it. People can still be in factions even if they don't declare them openly. People can claim to be neutral when they are not. People that don't look neutral like me may be actually neutral.
Thought neutral is an illusion?
You can't be in a faction without announcing it. It's a fucking voting block. In a faction there are perks and protections.
Darth. Публикации.: 3783 от: Индия
Написано от JF., 25.08.2016 at 15:36
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:34
Написано от JF., 25.08.2016 at 15:29
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:28
Написано от JF., 25.08.2016 at 15:26
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:22
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:21
For fuck's sake people, this is a ROME POLITICAL GAME, we are SENATORS, THE WHOLE POINT OF THE GAME IS BEING POWER-HUNGRY CUCKS TRYING TO RULE ROME. Don't get so overemotional about this.
Mate-gaming kills the spirit of the game, is like ally-fagging.
So you, Aqollo and Phoenix with JF 4v2-ing me and gow (and mostly ignoring tirp) is not allyfagging?
Why do you and GOW keep mentioning my name?
GOW is the one who put me up for prosecution.
ps. you need to stop the fucking spamming. It's so childish its unreal.
Lol I'm spamming? Wtf. You weren't involved, please don't get involved now. I won't mention your name.
Answer the question dumbass
How am i ganging up on you?
K you asked. While the prosecution discussion was on, it was me and gow versus the rest of you.
And yes you're spamming stfu
Nice. Not mentioning Tunder, Aqollo, or even gow or Tirp. Directing at me. And then you say this.
Answer the question dumbass
How am i ganging up on you?
Cause you are the one constantly entering in my name. I defended myself in the procession. I WAS THE ACCUSED, HOW AM I GANGING ON ANYONE? IT WAS THE OTHER WAY ROUND!
Actually Aqollo brought you up,but fine. You weren't ganging up. But since only me and gow were saying guilty, we weren't ganging on you either especially with Aqollo and your faction defend you and veto prosecution...
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:38
Thought neutral is an illusion?
You can't be in a faction without announcing it. It's a fucking voting block. In a faction there are perks and protections.
Optimates is not a in-game faction. is a Clan-based faction.
Ok going to address some points, as always tunder has half truths.
He is right, pyrrhus and I are in a partnership, but beyond that idk, aurum is on our side but he also votes for himself in cases. We haven't formed a faction because we are only 2 ppl and are considering joining a current one and/or recruiting another person. Yes we have been cooperating with Virtus in some matters, only because its inevitable being co-consuls/censors although its not really a conspiracy. I don't like how Virtus have enriched themselves with concessions but meh, its part of the game and honestly fully within their rights and a smart move. Either way, imo the Senate won't tolerate another consulship like this, they will likely vote for the most non-virtus/ "optimate" consulship this turn. Nor will I support any more appointments for GoW (gaius julius) because his influence is becoming super high.
As for the dictator thing;
Dictator must be ex-consul rules say so but yeah its true the original does not. As always we follow rules as they are written right now to prevent the absolute clusterfuck of last game, but we can change next turn if you want, idk why I put it had to be ex-consul probably just because I was copy-pasting censor stuff.
As for assassination, maybe allow turn 5. The only point was so that we didn't bring old animosities into this game but its quite evident new animosities are coming up. *scrambles to get bodyguard before then*
Darth. Публикации.: 3783 от: Индия
K any other crap you need to spew out, keep doing so. I need to go study. Will reply later, (unless it's too boring and points have been repeated in which case, gfy)
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:38
Thought neutral is an illusion?
You can't be in a faction without announcing it. It's a fucking voting block. In a faction there are perks and protections.
You are getting the context all wrong, by illusion i meant that what you perceive as neutrality is not neutrality but merely people pretending to be neutral while they actually belong to a secret faction, in this case optimates.
I am true neutral.
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:40
Ok so now you agree i wasn't ganging up on anyone in my own trial. Doesn't matter if aqollo brought me up, your are constantly tainting my name with your false words while you look for sympathy.
Darth. Публикации.: 3783 от: Индия
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:41
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:38
Thought neutral is an illusion?
You can't be in a faction without announcing it. It's a fucking voting block. In a faction there are perks and protections.
Optimates is not a in-game faction. is a Clan-based faction. 
Yeah...might want to read what Aetius just said below.
Also, if Optimates is a clan based faction why is only Enigma getting flak for being one? Are you seriously that insecure about 3 men?
Darth. Публикации.: 3783 от: Индия
Написано от JF., 25.08.2016 at 15:42
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:40
Ok so now you agree i wasn't ganging up on anyone in my own trial. Doesn't matter if aqollo brought me up, your are constantly tainting my name with your faults words while you look for sympathy.
Not really. I'm not looking for sympathy. Why the fuck am i looking for sympathy
Darth. Публикации.: 3783 от: Индия
Написано от Tundy, 25.08.2016 at 15:42
Написано от Darth., 25.08.2016 at 15:38
Thought neutral is an illusion?
You can't be in a faction without announcing it. It's a fucking voting block. In a faction there are perks and protections.
You are getting the context all wrong, by illusion i meant that what you perceive as neutrality is not neutrality but merely people pretending to be neutral while they actually belong to a secret faction, in this case optimates.
I am true neutral.
No...true neutral is Switzerland who doesn't support anyone. You obviously support Phoenix.