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07.10.2019 - 16:33
Why is orange man shitting where he eats?
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU is an Absolute! Long Live The Forth Realm! Long Live Europe!*
07.10.2019 - 20:36
Because betraying your allies is great fun.
Someone Better Than You
07.10.2019 - 21:23
Who's worse? An ally fag or a traitor?
Happiness = reality - expectations
08.10.2019 - 10:38
Написано от Full House, 08.10.2019 at 06:14

USA prob scared Turkey and Russia make a deal (Russia might trade Syria for Turkey).
So since Turkey is more valuable ally it makes sense USA abandons kurds.
Turkey can do everything they want cuz they door to mid east and bosporus.

But US has so much influence and power, why be so scared? UK and France and maybe even Germany would follow the US almost anywhere.
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU is an Absolute! Long Live The Forth Realm! Long Live Europe!*
08.10.2019 - 13:31
Написано от Zephyrusu, 07.10.2019 at 20:36

Because betraying your allies is great fun.

But he is supporting allies, not betraying. Turks are US allies, and Kurds are Turkish enemies. US supported Kurds a bit against ISIS, but they were not allies, while Turkey is formal and (by now) historical ally of USA, even in NATO, and host US bases.

But don't mind me, as i said, world turned upside down.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
08.10.2019 - 13:58
Написано от Skanderbeg, 08.10.2019 at 13:31

Написано от Zephyrusu, 07.10.2019 at 20:36

Because betraying your allies is great fun.

But he is supporting allies, not betraying. Turks are US allies, and Kurds are Turkish enemies. US supported Kurds a bit against ISIS, but they were not allies, while Turkey is formal and (by now) historical ally of USA, even in NATO, and host US bases.

But don't mind me, as i said, world turned upside down.

Perfect example of why the UN is shit.
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU is an Absolute! Long Live The Forth Realm! Long Live Europe!*
10.10.2019 - 06:40
Написано от Red.Army, 10.10.2019 at 06:21

I support Turkey fully! The Kurdish forces in North Syria are Terrorists and must be handled.

Bait detected.
Someone Better Than You
10.10.2019 - 12:40
UN/nato are like RP in atwar , its just a fucked up group waiting to claim someone rouge so everyone can gangbang and take spoils
10.10.2019 - 13:26
Erdogan will join the list of killers. Hitler, Stalin, churchill, bush, Roosevelt, eizenhouver and etc.

10.10.2019 - 19:12
Написано от Red.Army, 10.10.2019 at 06:21

Obviously not all Kurds are bad and terrorists. They are just like you, me and us. Just people my bro, I'm Irish, in the 70s were all Irish, terrorists just because the IRA where causing terrorism? Of course not. Where all unionist bad just because the UVF where performing acts of terrorism? Of course not.

The Kurds claims for their "original" borders are unrealistic, we all know that. At the end of WW2 we dumped the Jews in their (Smaller than today ) past homeland.
I think the best practual humanitarian proposal by the UN should be the same as the Israelis/jews. Just better. Be more specific on where to locate them. Even if it's small land. Then the UN should protect them for a certain amount of years, ie development and Militarily.

Of course this would be insanely hard and challenging and we all know why.
But it really is the best way to approach it from a United Nations perspective.
Wishing death, rape and torture upon another is a horrible and a useless thing to do. Just because the English are on my land, doesn't mean I want someone to rape, kill and plunder them.
That's fucked up, they real human beings over there dude, I don't want them to die.
Diplomacy has gotten us very far, my nation specifically. I was born the year The Troubles ended, thankfully diplomacy ended it before it could have led us into another war. If it wasn't for that, Wheelo, Lao, BYRNET, Tectonic,chill Smith and myself might not be here. Get it?

*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU is an Absolute! Long Live The Forth Realm! Long Live Europe!*
11.10.2019 - 03:47
Yep, surprising nobody, Erdogan's started arresting anyone in Turkey who criticises the offensive. Freedom of speech right?
Someone Better Than You
11.10.2019 - 05:53
Noooooooo! WTF Turkey only we are allowed to kill enemies of state! Since we choose who is terrorist and who is freedom fighter... You are not allowed to kill radical leftists in your own border. Thats crime to humanity, war crime, genocide. AHHHHHHHHHH REEEEEEEE!
11.10.2019 - 05:57
Написано от Your Monkey, 11.10.2019 at 05:53

Noooooooo! WTF Turkey only we are allowed to kill our enemies of state! Since we choose who is terrorist and who is freedom fighter... You are not allowed to kill radical leftists in your own border. Thats crime to humanity, war crime, genocide. AHHHHHHHHHH REEEEEEEE!

Except they're not in their borders? They're in Syria?
Someone Better Than You
11.10.2019 - 05:59
Написано от Zephyrusu, 11.10.2019 at 05:57

Написано от Your Monkey, 11.10.2019 at 05:53

Noooooooo! WTF Turkey only we are allowed to kill our enemies of state! Since we choose who is terrorist and who is freedom fighter... You are not allowed to kill radical leftists in your own border. Thats crime to humanity, war crime, genocide. AHHHHHHHHHH REEEEEEEE!

Except they're not in their borders? They're in Syria?

Do you wanna see 3 million syrian in eu?
11.10.2019 - 06:04
Написано от Your Monkey, 11.10.2019 at 05:59

Do you wanna see 3 million syrian in eu?

The fact that Erdogan is resorting to weaponising refugees is at the same time hilarious and disgraceful. On that matter, the refugees are not robots that follow Erdogan's will, and at the same time, Europe has the right to deny them entrance. In any case, approving of an ethnic cleansing because you'd otherwise be burdened with refugees is not a low that Europe would stoop to. In the first place, the argument is sophistry, as the invasion is going to cause a refugee crisis anyway. That aside, the fact that you respond to a rational argument with a threat is proof that you're just another of Erdogan's barbarians, so honestly there's not much point in debating in the first place, but oh well, nothing better to do.
Someone Better Than You
11.10.2019 - 06:07
Написано от Zephyrusu, 11.10.2019 at 06:04

Написано от Your Monkey, 11.10.2019 at 05:59

Do you wanna see 3 million syrian in eu?

The fact that Erdogan is resorting to weaponising refugees is at the same time hilarious and disgraceful. On that matter, the refugees are not robots that follow Erdogan's will, and at the same time, Europe has the right to deny them entrance. In any case, approving of an ethnic cleansing because you'd otherwise be burdened with refugees is not a low that Europe would stoop to. In the first place, the argument is sophistry, as the invasion is going to cause a refugee crisis anyway. That aside, the fact that you respond to a rational argument with a threat is proof that you're just another of Erdogan's barbarians, so honestly there's not much point in debating in the first place, but oh well, nothing better to do.

Geopolitics has no feelings honey. Either they will flood eu with Syrians or clear Kurdish invaders (they occupy and steal oil from Syria) and give back those lands to Assad.
11.10.2019 - 06:16
Написано от Your Monkey, 11.10.2019 at 06:07

Geopolitics has no feelings honey. Either they will flood eu with Syrians or clear Kurdish invaders (they occupy and steal oil from Syria) and give back those lands to Assad.

You know, that's funny, because Turkey refused to return Afrin to Assad, what makes you think that they will return Rojava? Also, what do you mean they occupy and steal oil from Syria, they are Syrians, they're not stealing anything, they're just living their lives in their land. The ones who are occupying and stealing from locals are the Turks in Afrin, who have destroyed its olive oil industry.
Someone Better Than You
11.10.2019 - 06:36
Написано от Zephyrusu, 11.10.2019 at 06:16

Написано от Your Monkey, 11.10.2019 at 06:07

Geopolitics has no feelings honey. Either they will flood eu with Syrians or clear Kurdish invaders (they occupy and steal oil from Syria) and give back those lands to Assad.

You know, that's funny, because Turkey refused to return Afrin to Assad, what makes you think that they will return Rojava? Also, what do you mean they occupy and steal oil from Syria, they are Syrians, they're not stealing anything, they're just living their lives in their land. The ones who are occupying and stealing from locals are the Turks in Afrin, who have destroyed its olive oil industry.

Russia and Assad wanted to make deal over Afrin before Turkish operation... Kurds refused it and Russia withdraw their soldiers from that area. Russia knows that you cant except diplomacy mastery from bunch of cannon fodders of USA-West.
11.10.2019 - 06:50
Написано от Your Monkey, 11.10.2019 at 06:36

Russia and Assad wanted to make deal over Afrin before Turkish operation... Kurds refused it and Russia withdraw their soldiers from that area. Russia knows that you cant except diplomacy mastery from bunch of cannon fodders of USA-West.

The SDF tried to maintain friendly ties with both Russia and the US, and Russia didn't like that, so they withdrew. How is that a counterargument, though? You just switched the subject to something completely different, my point remains, Turkey occupies land in Syria, Assad has demanded it be returned to the Syrian government, and Turkey has refused. This is in no way an operation to restore the SAA's control in northeast Syria, this is simply a Turkish invasion.
Someone Better Than You
11.10.2019 - 08:30
Написано от Zephyrusu, 11.10.2019 at 06:50

Написано от Your Monkey, 11.10.2019 at 06:36

Russia and Assad wanted to make deal over Afrin before Turkish operation... Kurds refused it and Russia withdraw their soldiers from that area. Russia knows that you cant except diplomacy mastery from bunch of cannon fodders of USA-West.

The SDF tried to maintain friendly ties with both Russia and the US, and Russia didn't like that, so they withdrew. How is that a counterargument, though? You just switched the subject to something completely different, my point remains, Turkey occupies land in Syria, Assad has demanded it be returned to the Syrian government, and Turkey has refused. This is in no way an operation to restore the SAA's control in northeast Syria, this is simply a Turkish invasion.

Could your head get any deeper in Assad's ass? Assad is the president of a country filled with people that want to get rid of him, he gasses his own people, caused a never-ending war and allowed multiple terrorist organisations to set up a base in his country. Why on earth should a country, that is getting regulary attacked by those terrorist organisations, give back the exact piece of land, those terrorist organisations are using to target the country in the first place?

When America nukes the fuck out of Iraq and kills millions of people doing it, for something that was an inside job by their own government, nobody sheds a tear nor gives a flying fuck, yet when Turkey here defends its own borders and its people, that do get killed by terrorist attacks near the border, the world goes apeshit and media portray it as an act of war.

Talking about double standards

Написано от Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
11.10.2019 - 09:04
Написано от Waffel, 11.10.2019 at 08:30

Could your head get any deeper in Assad's ass? Assad is the president of a country filled with people that want to get rid of him, he gasses his own people, caused a never-ending war and allowed multiple terrorist organisations to set up a base in his country. Why on earth should a country, that is getting regulary attacked by those terrorist organisations, give back the exact piece of land, those terrorist organisations are using to target the country in the first place?

When America nukes the fuck out of Iraq and kills millions of people doing it, for something that was an inside job by their own government, nobody sheds a tear nor gives a flying fuck, yet when Turkey here defends its own borders and its people, that do get killed by terrorist attacks near the border, the world goes apeshit and media portray it as an act of war.

Talking about double standards

...Where are you even taking your statistics from? Millions of people nuked in Iraq? I am guessing "nuke" was a metaphor, but the highest estimate for the death toll of the Iraq War puts it at a bit over 600,000, from all causes. In any case, I do not approve of the war in Iraq, and as fact would have it, neither did most of the world, different from the image you're projecting. As for terrorists targeting Turkey, the only incident of terrorism in Turkey by Syrian perpetrators was the assassination of a journalist by the Islamic State. Every other case is by groups inside Turkey. By contrast, plenty of people, including civilians, have died from Turkish shelling and bombing in Syria, and many more have been displaced. As for Assad, I never said I am pro-Assad anyway, that would be an entirely different conversation, I simply countered his argument that the operation was made to return the land to the Assad government. How you reached the conclusion that I am in "Assad's ass" is beyond me.
Someone Better Than You
11.10.2019 - 10:33
Написано от Zephyrusu, 11.10.2019 at 06:04

The fact that Erdogan is resorting to weaponising refugees is at the same time hilarious and disgraceful.

Erdogan is weaponising refugees? I thought USA is weaponising refugees after they planned and executed plan to destabilize seven muslim countries in 5 years. Hard to blame Erdogan for US rich oligarchs plan to rule the world.

I won't even comment on Waffel's post, he repeats old myth of Assad gassing people and at the same time saying your head is in Assad's ass. I can only guess in which bum is his head then.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
11.10.2019 - 20:52
Who invited USA to Syria anyway? Did they get permission from Syria or Russia? No.
12.10.2019 - 06:23
Написано от Your Monkey, 11.10.2019 at 20:52

Who invited USA to Syria anyway? Did they get permission from Syria or Russia? No.

The USA was invited by the democratic federalist autonomous federation of northern Syria. Turkey was invited by Jihadists. You tell me which invite is more legitimate.
Someone Better Than You
12.10.2019 - 06:51
Написано от Zephyrusu, 12.10.2019 at 06:23

Написано от Your Monkey, 11.10.2019 at 20:52

Who invited USA to Syria anyway? Did they get permission from Syria or Russia? No.

The USA was invited by the democratic federalist autonomous federation of northern Syria. Turkey was invited by Jihadists. You tell me which invite is more legitimate.

Turkey was invited by same people USA was invited too.

No Kurd can be in armed at Turkish border.
12.10.2019 - 11:42
Написано от Zephyrusu, 12.10.2019 at 06:23

Написано от Your Monkey, 11.10.2019 at 20:52

Who invited USA to Syria anyway? Did they get permission from Syria or Russia? No.

The USA was invited by the democratic federalist autonomous federation of northern Syria. Turkey was invited by Jihadists. You tell me which invite is more legitimate.

UN Charter article 51 gives countries the right to remove non-state actors from their borders.
12.10.2019 - 13:04

12.10.2019 - 13:07
Написано от 31TENGRI69, 12.10.2019 at 13:04

Sultan and his janisarys 1453 colourized
12.10.2019 - 16:35
 brianwl (Админ)
Написано от Your Monkey, 12.10.2019 at 11:42

UN Charter article 51 gives countries the right to remove non-state actors from their borders.

The problem is if they aren't actors.

12.10.2019 - 17:03
Написано от brianwl, 12.10.2019 at 16:35

Написано от Your Monkey, 12.10.2019 at 11:42

UN Charter article 51 gives countries the right to remove non-state actors from their borders.

The problem is if they aren't actors.

But they are....

YPG is the base of SDF. If we consider SDF are arab syrian then we can alos consider that Turkey isnt occupying anything but NLA/FSA/SNA is doing it which is the reallity.

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