09.12.2012 - 12:23
WEBSITE SECTION: Top bar: Connect with Facebook-从FACEBOOK连接 Home-主页 Login-登录 Register-注册 Play as Guest-访客游玩 Players-玩家 Coalitions-联盟 FAQ-常问问题 News-新闻 Edit Profile-编辑个人资料 Settings-设置 Messages-讯息 Logout-登出 Rolling display: Video-视频 Screenshots-截图 Be quick-快速模式 1-12 minute turns-回合为1-12分钟 Fast-paced games-快节奏的 Game lasts 30-120 minutes-整局为 30-120分钟 Or be casual-休闲模式 12-24 hours turns-回合为12-24小时 Relaxed gameplay-轻松的玩法 Login for 5-15 minutes a day-每天只登录5-15分钟 Gameplay-玩法 Select your country and become the Commander in Chief, leading armies of millions to the ultimate victory and restoring world peace (through world domination). The war is on! - 选择您的国家及成为总司令, 带领数以百万计的军队取下终极胜利, 并通过统治全世界恢复和平。愤战吧! Features-特点 No downloading - play in your browser-无需下载 -只用浏览器 Realistic maps with hundreds of cities-有写实地图与数百个城市 Up to 20 players in one game-同时最多20名玩家在一场游戏中 Unique free unit movement (no grid)- 独特的自由军种移动(无栅格) Rich variety of units and strategies-各色各样的军种和策略们 Create your own maps!- 创造自己的地图! Free to play!- 免费玩! Middle bar: SP-SP Launch game-进入游戏 New user?- 新用户? Launch game?-即时进入游戏? Username-用户名 Password-密码 Bottom information: atWar, the ultimate strategy game-atWar, 终极的战略游戏 Watch the trailer-看预告片 Top Players-顶级玩家 24 hours-24小时 Week-周 Month-月 Latest updates-最新更新(英) More than just Risk online-比战国风云在线强 Battlefield Report-战报 Players online-在线玩家 Games-游戏 Shoutbox-吼吼箱(英)
09.12.2012 - 12:25
ROOM SECTION Game Lobby (Top bar): Trying to login as-尝试登录为 Authenticating-正在验证 Connect-连接 Visit Website-访问网站 Successful-成功 Total SP-总SP Available-可用SP Open Games-开放游戏 Maps-地图 Upgrades-升级用品 Stats and Medals-数据与奖牌 Start Tutorial-入门教学 Go to website-网站 Logout-登出 Full Screen-全屏幕 Game Lobby (Main): Quick-快速 Casual-休闲 Show Filters-显示过滤 Hide Filters-隐藏过滤 Main-主要 Beginners-初学 Cln Wars-联盟战争 Filter by name-以名称过滤 Filter by type-以类别过滤 Filter by VC-以胜利条件过滤 Sort by-排类于 Filter-过滤 Game (Room): Turn-回合 Rank-等级 Scenario-情景 Initial Settings: 初设 This game is-这游戏属 Public-公开 Private-私人 Teams-队伍 Min/Max Rank-最低/最高等级 Continue-继续 Cancel-取消 Enter password-输入密码 Pick your colour-选择你的颜色 Basic-基本 Game Name-游戏名称 Turn duration-每回合 Starting Funds-开始资金 Maximum players-最多玩家 Allow joining until-允许加入直至第 Game creator-游戏创造者 Victory-胜利 Victory Conditions-胜利条件 Capture Player Country-捕获玩家国家 Total Annihilation-一城不剩 Capture what?- 捕获 Capital-首都 Whole Country-全国 Hold for X turns-保持X回合 Max game duration-最大回合数 Advanced-进阶 Rare unit chance-罕见军种机会 None-无 Low-低 Medium-中 High-高 Initial countries-最初国家 Instant joining-即时加入 Allow rejoining-允许重新加入 Allow alliances-允许结盟 Extra cities-额外城市 Ready-准备 Exit-离开 Game Lobby (Bottom bar): Entering channel: Lobby. Please use only English and be polite to fellow players. Cheers!- 进入频道:大堂。请只使用汉语及对其他玩家保持礼貌。谢谢! Contacts-联络人 Chat options On/Off-聊天选项开/关 Collapse-塌下 Commands-指令 Player name-玩家名称 Send private message to any online player发送私人讯息给任何在线玩家 Add player to ignore list-新增玩家到忽视列表 Report to moderators-报告给主持 (英) Selected channel is the one you will write to. Uncheck the boxes next to the channels you don't want to receive. You can also click on a player name in the chat to send a private message.-你现会编写在所选的频道, 如果你不想接收, 请在频道旁边的选框勾除。你还可以在聊天中点击一个玩家名称发送私人讯息。 Admin-管理员 Moderator-主持 Elite-精英 Enemies-敌人 Ignored-被忽略
09.12.2012 - 12:26
GAME SECTION Strategy: My Strategy-我的战术 None-无 Blitzkrieg-闪电战术 Desert Storm-沙漠风暴 Great Combinator-大组合者 Guerrilla Warfare-游击战术 Imperialist-帝国主义者 Iron Fist-铁腕战术 Lucky Bastard-幸运混蛋 Master of Stealth-隐形大师 Naval Commander-海军司令 Prefect Defense-完美防守 Relentless Attack-无情猛攻 Sky Menace-天空威胁者 Maps: Entire maps-整个地图 Sides and Troops-多方战和军队 Presets-预设 Selected areas-已选范围 Category-类别 Modern World-现代 WWI and WWII-一/二战 Medieval-中世纪 Ancient World-古代 Fantasy-魔幻 Space-太空 Other-其他 Featured-特殊 Popularity-人气 Rating-评级 My rating-我的评级 Updated-最新更新 New-最新 My-我的 Upgrades: General: Defence-将领: 防御 Naval Stealth-海军隐形 Imperialist-帝国主义者 Air support-空中支援 Naval Transport Capacity-海军运输容量 Ground Stealth-陆军隐形 Master of Stealth-隐形大师 Ground Secondary Defence-陆军副防御 Faster General-更快将领 Guerilla Warfare-游击战术 General: Ground Secondary Defence-将领: 陆军副防御 Air Transport Capacity-空军运输容量 General: Ground Main Defence-将领: 陆军主防御 Lift the Fog-挥开烟雾 General: View Range-将领: 观视范围 Ground Special Defence-陆军特殊防御 Stronger Ground Special Defence-更强陆军特殊防御 Faster Naval Stealth-更快海军隐形 Sky Menace-天空威胁者 Mobile Ground Special Defence-流动陆军特殊防御 General: Cost-将领:花费 Affordable Support-实惠支援 Blitzkrieg-闪电战术 Safer Transportation-更安全运输 General: Ground Main Attack-将领: 陆军主攻击 Lucky Ground Secondary Defence-幸运陆军副防御 Faster Naval Main Attack-更快海军主攻击 Air Special Attack-空军特殊攻击 Submarine Capacity-潜艇容量 Lucky Ground Stealth-幸运陆军隐形 Lucky General-幸运将领 Air Stealth-空军隐形 Lucky Ground Main Defence-幸运陆军主防御 General: Air Main Attack将领: 空军主攻击 Faster Ground Stealth-更快陆军隐形 Expendable Ground Stealth-实惠陆军隐形 Cheap Transportation-实惠运输 Faster Ground Main Defence-更快陆军主防御 General: Movement Range-将领: 移动范围 Expendable Ground Main Defence-实惠陆军主防御 Medals: Medal-奖牌 Crimson-赤红 Gold-金 Silver-银 Bronze-铜 Your Stats-您的统计 Battles-战斗数 Battles won (PvP)- 对玩家战斗胜利 Battles won (neutral)- 对中立战斗胜利 Naval battles won-海战胜利 Battles lost (PvP)- 对玩家战斗败北 Battles lost (neutral)- 对中立战斗败北 Naval battles lost- 海战败北 Player countries occupied-占领玩家国家 Neutral countries occupied-占领中立国家 Player cities occupied-占领玩家城市 Neutral cities occupied-占领中立城市 Player units destroyed- 玩家军队毁灭 Neutral units destroyed- 中立军队毁灭 Land units destroyed- 陆军毁灭 Naval units destroyed- 海军毁灭 Air units destroyed- 空军毁灭 Land units built-陆军兴建 Naval units built- 海军兴建 Air units built- 空军兴建 Land units lost-陆军损失 Naval units lost- 海军损失 Air units lost- 空军损失 Turns played-回合数 Games played-游戏数 Games won-游戏胜利 Games lost-游戏败北 Unit Roles-军队角色 Ground Main Attack units destroyed -陆军主攻击军队毁灭 Ground Main Defence units destroyed -陆军主防御军队毁灭 Ground Secondary Defence units destroyed -陆军副防御军队毁灭 Ground Special Defence units destroyed -陆军特殊防御军队毁灭 Ground Stealth units destroyed -陆军隐形军队毁灭 Ground Other units destroyed-陆军其他军队毁灭 Naval Main Attack units destroyed -海军主攻击军队毁灭 Naval Stealth units destroyed -海军隐形军队毁灭 Naval Transport units destroyed -海军运输军队毁灭 Air Main Attack units destroyed -空军主攻击军队毁灭 Air Special Attack units destroyed -空军特殊攻击军队毁灭 Air Stealth units destroyed -空军隐形军队毁灭 Air Support units destroyed -空军支援军队毁灭 Air Transport units destroyed -空军运输军队毁灭 Player General units destroyed-玩家将领军队毁灭 Loading Screens: Loading map data-加载地图数据 Loading map-加载地图
09.12.2012 - 15:37
TUTORIAL SECTION [COMPLETE] Tutorial: Start the tutorial? 开始教学吗? OK (Yes) 是 Cancel (No) 不 Welcome to atWar! 欢迎来到atWar! Moving the map 移动地图 First of all, move the map around (drag with the mouse or use the arrow keys) and zoom in/out (mouse wheel, +/- or buttons under the minimap) 首先,尝试左右移动地图, (用鼠标拖拉或使用箭头键)及放大/缩小(鼠标滚轮,+ /- 或小地图下的按钮) Select your country 选择您的国家 To start the game you need to select your country. Click on any country and use the acquire button in the country menu. 为开始游戏, 你需要选择你的国家。点击任何一个国家,及在国家选单使用收购按钮。 In this tutorial you are alone… 在本教学中,你是单独一人... but you will normally have to compete with 1 to 19 other players. The most common objective is to capture your enemy capital city, but there are also other victory conditions 但你通常会与其他1-19名玩家中展开竞争。最常见的目标是抓拿你的敌人首都,但也有其他的胜利条件。 Your Empire 您的帝国 Your Empire consists of the countries and cities you see on this map. The more country you control, the more money and reinforcements you receive. Now, click on one of your cities and let's try to build some troops! 你的帝国是基于你看到这张地图上的国家和城市。您控制越多的国家, 你收到的钱及增援越多。现在,点击你的其中一个城市及让我们尝试建立一些军队! Buying Troops 购买军队 In the city menu you can see available units. Click on the + button next to one of the units to buy it (hold the button to buy all available). Reinforcements (more available units) arrive every 4 turns. 在城市的选单中,你可以看到可用的军种。点击"+"军队旁边的按钮购买 (按住该按钮能购买所有可用) 。援军(更多可用军种) 每4回合到达。 About units 关于军种 There are 3 units types: Land, Naval, Air. Each unit has own unique properties. Tanks, for example are great for attacking, while Infantry is the best for defending your cities. Lets try moving your troops. 有3个军种类型:海军,陆军,空军。每个军种都有自己独特的性质。例如坦克,非常适用于进攻,而步兵最好是保卫你的城市。让我们试着移动你的军队。在城市的选单单击 "移动本市军队" 按钮。 Moving troops 移动军队 The easiest way to move troops is by dragging them on the map with a mouse. You can also drag separate units or unit groups (Land/Air/Naval) from sliding out info menu (hover on the troop icon). However, if you want to be specific, you need this little menu. Here you see 3 tabs for different unit types, each of them needs to be moved separately. 最简单移动军队的方法是在地图上用鼠标拖动。您也可以将单独的军队或军队组(海/陆/空)从情报选单滑出(悬停在军队的图标)来移动。但是,如果你想要逐个特定的,你需要这个小选单。这里你可以看到3个不同的军队组标签,他们每个都需要单独移动的。 Select which and how many units you want to move, using the sliders. Click on the green move button, then set the destination somewhere on this map. 使用滑块, 选择你想要移动的哪些和多少个军队。点击绿色的"移动"按钮,然后设定目的地在此地图上的某个地方。 The menu is also used for loading your land units onto sea and air transports after selecting land units, click on the blue transport buttons. Of course you have to make sure transports are present and there's enough capacity 选择陆军后选单中也可用于加载到运输船/机,请按一下蓝色的传输按钮。当然,你必须确保运输机都存在,并有足够的容量。 Still moving... 仍在移动... You can move one stack of units several times during one turn as long as they have movement range left. You can also cancel the movement by hovering on the dotted route line and clicking the red x button that should appear in the middle. 您可以一个回合期间多次移动一叠军队, 只要它们有留下移动范围。您也可以通过将悬停鼠标在虚路径线,然后点击应该会出现在中间红色的X按钮,进行取消的变动。 Attack! 攻击! Now, let's attack a city! Pick any nearby neutral (grey) city, move your troops there and click the "End turn" button 现在,让我们攻击一个城市!任意选择中立(灰色)的城市,移动你的军队,并单击"结束回合"按钮。 Neutrals 中立国 Neutral (grey) units are passive, they will always remain in their cities. Human opponents are a lot more fun. 中立的(灰色)的军队是被动的,他们永远留在自己的城市。人类的对手有更多的乐趣。 Combat Phase 战斗阶段 Combat phase is the culmination of turns which all players make simultaneously. Here you see a list of battles, as well as all movements on the map yours and your opponents'. 战斗阶段是所有玩家同时经过回合而大成的。这里你可以看到一个战斗列表,以及在地图上你和你的对手的所有移动。 Click on a battle in the menu (or on the map) to play it. If you have more than one battle you can simply click play/fast forward button in the menu, kick back and enjoy the show. For the most impatient there's also a more immediate show results button. 点击战斗列表(或地图上)的一次战斗中播放它, 如果你有多个战斗,你可以简单地在列表中单击"播放/快进" 按钮,舒舒服服地欣赏表演。为了那些最不耐烦的,还有一个更直接的"显示结果"按钮。 Next turn 下一回合 If you won, congratulations! If not, try attacking with more troops next time. Now, click start turn to proceed. 如果你赢了,祝贺你!如果没有,请尝试下一次用更多军队攻击。现在,单击"开始回合" 按钮 前往。 Some Tips 一些提示 The success of your combat operations depend on many things, which unit attacks and which defends, which strategy you picked, what upgrades you have. Until you get more familiar with the system, it might be better to avoid playing against experienced high ranking players who have already mastered it. 作战行动的成功取决于很多东西, 哪些军队的攻击和防守,你挑的战略,你有什么样的升级用品。直到你较为熟悉这系统,也许避免对阵经验丰富的高级别玩家会更好。 Defence lines 防线 Defence lines are formed when you place two units close together. Other players cannot pass them without a fight, which will stop all stealth units and give you some extra time. 当你把两个单位靠近, 防线将形成。其他玩家不可以不战通过,以及停止所有的隐形军队,并给你一些额外的时间。 Who gets to move first when the turn ends? 回合结束时谁得到首先移动? All movements are prioritised according to the order of the players actions, so to successfully run away or intercept enemy units, plan this move early during your turn. Basically, you should make your moves in the order of their importance. 所有的移动都是根据玩家的行动顺序,为成功地逃跑或拦截敌方军队应在你的回合早期计划这招。基本上,你该让您移动的重要性以顺序。 Bottom Toolbar 底部工具栏 Let's take a closer look at the interface. The most important part is the lower right corner here you have a mini map with some useful buttons underneath, "start/end turn" buttons, turn timer, your finances (+ income) and current turn. The green calendar icon next to the week also indicates when the next reinforcements arrive. 让我们来仔细看看界面。最重要的是右下角,在这里你有迷你地图和一些有用的按钮, "开始/结束回合"按钮,回合计时器,你的财务状况(及收入)和当前回合。回合旁边的绿色日历图标,也表示在未来的增援抵达的回合。 Top Toolbar 顶部工具栏 In the upper right corner you have the main menu. Here, you can find such useful buttons such as surrender and quit game, some basic help, settings and options, information about the units in game and about the state of your empire. 你的主选单在右上角。在这里,你可以找到一些有用的按钮,如投降,及退出游戏,一些基本的帮助,设置和选项,有关在游戏中军队信息及你的帝国的状态。 Let's quickly run through some useful menus, starting with the cities menu. 让我们快速解释一些有用的选单,从城市选单开始。 Cities Menu 城市选单 This is the list of all the countries and cities, as well as the number of units stationed in them and the number of units available for purchase. Note that you can't buy troops on foreign territory, you need to occupy the country's capital. 这是您的所有国家和城市列表, 以及驻扎在其中军队的数量和可以购买军队的数量。注意的是你不可以在外国领土上买部队,你需要占领该国的首都。 Here you can also find the auto production tab. At the moment it is probably empty but you can give some auto production orders in city menu or country menu and manage them here. Auto production means that selected units will be automatically produced, whenever there are units available in the city. 在选单你还可以找到自动生产选项。目前它可能是空的,但你可以在城市或选国家选单给自动生产和管理订单。每当在城市有可购军队,你选了那个它将自动生产。 Next up, let's take a look at the finances menu 接下来,让我们来看看财政选单。 Finances menu 财政选单 Make sure you keep track of your earnings and spendings as you get more units you will need to spend more on their upkeep (1/10 of the unit's cost per turn). Some countries and cities (Europe) are a lot better at generating income than others (Africa). 确保你留意你的收入和支出, 因为当你得到更多的军队你将需要花费更多的保养(1/10军队每回合的成本)。一些国家和城市(欧洲)收入比其他(非洲) 有了很大的差别。 City income increases each turn you're holding it. Also you get bonus income from a country when you control all of its cities. Note that you get much less income from cities on foreign territory. 你 城市的收入会每回合增加。此外,当你控制一个国家所有的城市您获得额外的收入。注意的是你在外国领土上城市收入要少得多。 Almost done, but let's visit the important player menu before finishing the tutorial. 差不多完成了,但让我们在完成本教程之前请参观重要的玩家选单。 Players Menu 玩家选单 Here you can see a list of players (only yourself, at the moment). Click on a player to see additional info. For other players, there will be diplomacy options so you can propose Peace/Alliance or declare war. The Alliances tab shows the diplomatic relations between players. In team games it's replaced by the teams tab. 在你这里之前你可以看到玩家名单 (目前只有你自己) 。对于其他玩家,也会有外交选项,这样你就可以提出和平/同盟或宣战。这里同盟选项显示这玩家之间的外交关系。在团队游戏中,它被团队选项取代。 Well done! 干得好! For more help there's the in game Help menu, extensive FAQ on the website and a Forum full of very helpful people. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. 在游戏中的帮助菜单有更多的帮助,和在网站上有常问问题,论坛上有大量的非常友好的人,如果你有任何问题请不用犹豫地问。 You can continue here alone, trying things out or click the exit button (upper right corner) to join an open game or start your own. Good luck! 您可以继续在这里独自尝试着,或点击 "退出" 按钮(右上角)进入一个公开游戏或开始您自己的。祝你好运!
09.12.2012 - 15:41
UNIT SECTION [COMPLETE] General-将领 Militia-民兵 Infantry-步兵 Tanks-坦克 Marines-特种兵 Anti-aircraft-防空导弹 Submarine-潜水艇 Destroyer-驱逐舰 Transport-运输船 Bombers-轰炸机 Helicopters-直升机 Stealth-隐形战机 Sentry Plane-空中预警机 Air Transport-运输机 Admiral-海军上将/ 海军元帅 Field Marshal-陆军元帅 Air Marshal-空军元帅 FSLK 200 (?) Anti-Tank Infantry-反坦克步兵 Light Tank-轻型坦克 Heavy Tank-重型坦克 Partisans-游击队 Ninja Squad-忍者队 Mercenaries-佣兵军团 Suicide Bomber-自杀式炸弹袭击者 Coastal Battery-海岸炮 Heavy Artillery-重型火炮 Ski Infantry-滑雪步兵(仅在斯堪的纳维亚) Exo-Infantry-外步兵(?) Forest Brothers-森林兄弟 - (波罗的海游击队) Frech Foreign Legion-法国外籍军团 Mech-机械 Assasin-刺客 Spy Satellite-间谍卫星 Fighter-战斗机 Scout Submarine-侦察潜艇 Battleship-战舰 Crusier-巡洋舰 Commando Frogmen-突击队蛙人 Missile-导弹 Broken Missile-断导弹 Non-Nuclear Missile-非核导弹 Short-Range Missile-短程导弹 Long-Range Missile-长程导弹 Cardboard Nuke-纸板核武器 Afterwind-核武器
01.02.2013 - 12:24
Help with the translation of the game buddy ![]() https://poeditor.com/join/project?hash=06cead89b32c3c8213ed828fba578d12
Сигурни ли сте?