All of these seem like fine additions to the game to me.
I've gotta say that I was a bit underwhelmed--I was expecting nukes--but not bad, not bad at all... at least it proves you listen to your customers.  I just hope there is a reminder for the timeout thing so new players (or players who don't check the site and go straight to the game) know that exists.
As for the strategy changes? That will be tested tonight. Not sure about the SM and TG changes, though I welcome the LB and DS changes, they seem pretty good, now just NC.
цитирам: Last but not least: timer font has been changed! This should please some designer types suffering from a Comic Sans font allergy.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
I like it
This is absolute great!  , all of it!
In particular this: "Peace on turn 1": I've propsed this a few times, to get rid of the 'no first turnblock'. Nice one Ivan/Amok!
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
COOL ^_______________^
Again proving you still care to improve the game.
Versão brasileira: Herbert Richers.
-Peace on turn 1.
+10 Militia cost (so they're not free anymore)
Looks like decent updates on improving the Game UI. Well done guys.
I'm not so sure about the Timer font change. I don't even believe that players have actually complained about that.
Great updates, thanks amok-Ivan, but the word [ Host ] fits better than [creator] dont u think ?
This does not kill imperialist, if you are using militia in imp, you are doing it wrong, you should have enough money to spam infantry. and +10 means miltia still don't cost much.
timer looks terrible.
not sure about peace on first turn because it will encourage ally fagging.
Worst update ever
Skipping your turn in the country selection phase will now have consequences. Starting from the second timeout you will be losing 10% of the starting cash (each timeout). On the 5th timeout you're automatically kicked out. This should make starting games faster and prevent a situation where someone just sits there without selecting a country.
Skipping turns is COMPLETLY NECESARY for playing big scenarios.
Worst update ever
Skipping your turn in the country selection phase will now have consequences. Starting from the second timeout you will be losing 10% of the starting cash (each timeout). On the 5th timeout you're automatically kicked out. This should make starting games faster and prevent a situation where someone just sits there without selecting a country.
Skipping turns is COMPLETLY NECESARY for playing big scenarios.
How is it necessary to skip turns?
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
Написано от AirForCe, 18.06.2012 at 08:10
Great updates, thanks amok-Ivan, but the word [ Host ] fits better than [creator] dont u think ? 
Good call, will change.
Desu Публикации.: 898 от: Canada
Написано от Gking19, 18.06.2012 at 09:57
Worst update ever
Skipping your turn in the country selection phase will now have consequences. Starting from the second timeout you will be losing 10% of the starting cash (each timeout). On the 5th timeout you're automatically kicked out. This should make starting games faster and prevent a situation where someone just sits there without selecting a country.
Skipping turns is COMPLETLY NECESARY for playing big scenarios.
How is it necessary to skip turns?
Say, when you're a high level, if you choose a side on the first round, everyone chooses your side and the scenario isn't balanced and the game sucks.
I do want the money-consequence to be moved to the third round, not second. I want to skip at least one round to let all the noobs pick before picking a side--otherwise it ruins the scenario and everyone leaves on one side after week 5.
I guess on the flip side, noobs want to pick the side that's going to win, so they wait for whichever the high level picks.
OT: The general updates are good.
Написано от Desu, 18.06.2012 at 10:55
Написано от Gking19, 18.06.2012 at 09:57
How is it necessary to skip turns?
Say, when you're a high level, if you choose a side on the first round, everyone chooses your side and the scenario isn't balanced and the game sucks.
I do want the money-consequence to be moved to the third round, not second. I want to skip at least one round to let all the noobs pick before picking a side--otherwise it ruins the scenario and everyone leaves on one side after week 5.
I guess on the flip side, noobs want to pick the side that's going to win, so they wait for whichever the high level picks.
OT: The general updates are good.
Ok, now I understand.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
A better solution to this is to disallow "side switching" at this stage, and implement a balance teams option as suggested in another thread. That way people can't all join the high level.
I would suggest peace on turn one be optional, also making the kicking after 5 turns not picking (a side or country) be an option.
I've heard people disliking the first turn peace in the most played scenarios making it optional will help ppl. who want it and those that don't.
Sometimes admins of games start games when they aren't full and sometimes the last person left to pick waits, and if they're kicked then it ruins a scenario.
Options would be nice.
Garde Публикации.: 2842 от: Canada
This update is very amazing and sparks a flame of enthusiasm in my once-dead attraction to the game. Once my work schedule is open i'll have to play a few games. The update sounds 11/10, very good work.
Can anyone tell me what this means: Starting from the second timeout you will be losing 10% of the starting cash (each timeout). On the 5th timeout you're automatically kicked out ??
IS this for real??
So, does that mean that when I start a scenario - lets say 18 people - but don't have enough people and I must wait for 4 more people constantly "skipping" turn I am loosing my cash and then get kicked out? Is that real? Because if this is the case, then this is the most stupid update ever... which practically talked me out of the game... I
Also, first-turn peace is an idiotic change. Why not to give people option same like with 100+ cities. This change kills many many scenarios.
The entire update is shitty and makes no positive difference to the game - it is like creators have no faken clue what to do to make game more interesting. With those updates at least they lost some income as I am leaving the game entirely ( I know - means nothing to them but at least makes me feel good )
I would suggest peace on turn one be optional, also making the kicking after 5 turns not picking (a side or country) be an option.
I've heard people disliking the first turn peace in the most played scenarios making it optional will help ppl. who want it and those that don't.
Sometimes admins of games start games when they aren't full and sometimes the last person left to pick waits, and if they're kicked then it ruins a scenario.
Options would be nice.
I have to agree with all he said
All scenarios suffer from this peace on 1st turn. but in a normal game it's one of the best update so far
And just make the game start when the admin presses the "ready" or "start" button not when none is waiting in line. Just played the very well known scenario "real ww2" and it's fucked from so many aspects now
Ok it seems perhelis said all that had to be said thanks ^^
Just update to my last post...
We have been trying to start scenario for 3 fucking hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and couldn't start any because last person either was kicked out or left because no one wants to start with no money.
What an idiot implemented this change?? Seriously?????
Yeah...as u can see not everyone like the new updates and making them option like how 100+ is would help everyone out
@ perhelis
When you need 16 player for a scenario, why then start with maybe 13? wait till you have 16 and then start and noone has to skip the pick
And why in scenarios firstturn attacks are needed?
Tzeentch - are you for real? Have you ever played any scenario?... We tried 5 times True WWII (most popular scenario ever). We were waiting for 16 players and then start the game. However, when the game starts NOT ALL players join (bug in the game?) - usually like 2-4 are disconnected during joining the game. So we have like 12-13 ready players. And then some leaves... and then you stuck with a game that does not have full teams so turn 1 all abandons the game.
It is impossible to start scenario now that depends on teams.
It is impossible to start a scenario that has more then 6 people.
And you must be fucking blind not to see the problem. And you must be totally retarded not to admit that there is a HUGE ISSUE with last updates... I really do not know how such an update could have been even launched and then apprised by so many morons...
цитирам: [gl] Tsipras: I will stop doind WWII Scenarios always mess up
- from Global channel from 3 minutes ago....
Написано от perhelis, 18.06.2012 at 14:40
And you must be fucking blind not to see the problem. And you must be totally retarded not to admit that there is a HUGE ISSUE with last updates... I really do not know how such an update could have been even launched and then apprised by so many morons...
Can you ease up on personal attacks, please? Also, you seem rather easily excited - with all the rage and shouting...
If there's a problem, we will fix it. Now chill out.
Написано от perhelis, 18.06.2012 at 14:10
Can anyone tell me what this means: Starting from the second timeout you will be losing 10% of the starting cash (each timeout). On the 5th timeout you're automatically kicked out ??
IS this for real??
So, does that mean that when I start a scenario - lets say 18 people - but don't have enough people and I must wait for 4 more people constantly "skipping" turn I am loosing my cash and then get kicked out? Is that real? Because if this is the case, then this is the most stupid update ever... which practically talked me out of the game... I
Also, first-turn peace is an idiotic change. Why not to give people option same like with 100+ cities. This change kills many many scenarios.
The entire update is shitty and makes no positive difference to the game - it is like creators have no faken clue what to do to make game more interesting. With those updates at least they lost some income as I am leaving the game entirely ( I know - means nothing to them but at least makes me feel good )
Relax man, with time it will clear out, if there are problems with these changes, afterall these updates are to make the game be more enjoyable, i agree with you though, about making it an option, like 100+ cities, since it can actually mess up scenarios.
Maybe you could have it as an option in the creation of the scenario. It's annoying in True WWII but it's kind of nice in scenarios like Meanwhile in Africa.
FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like stuff.... Yay?
Great udate guys, as always!
Worst update ever
Написано от perhelis, 18.06.2012 at 14:10 IS this for real??
Because if this is the case, then this is the most stupid update ever... which practically talked me out of the game...
Now... I swear I can't understand the need to be so angry and aggresive, talking about leaving the game, etc. As if Ivan wasn't able to fix any problematic side effect that might come with the update. He's here and he's reading everyone's opinion. Why don't you try to act like a normal person and explain the problem so we can work out in a solution?
I wish every player that threats to leave the game were man enough to actually do it.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
Can anyone explain to me thischange of timer font? I thought it's the clock that counts down the remaining time you have on the turn. But no matter how I look at it, it's the same.
Anything is possible for me as long as I set my mind to it.
What are the sky menace changes... i swear if that strategy gets any stronger! i might have to buy it.
All our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Life's but a walking shadow a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing
Ivan, this update is gorgeous. If it had red head and a nice body, I'd kiss it.
btw, Squirrels can join the Coalition Tournament, what you say?
Написано от Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30
I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did. 
tophat Публикации.: 3885 от: Canada
Very profitable update. I always find little updates better since they perfect the game to a science. And plus, they are easier to implement and can be done a higher quantity of times. Great work admins!
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
Great Update.
I do feel that first turn peace and that 10% thing kinda ruins sncerios and team guys.
you should implent it as an option like +100 add cities.
Added some fixes - read at the bottom of the news post.
You should be able to uncheck 'ready' if you spot a problem with the game.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
AlexMeza Профилът е изтрит. |
AlexMeza Профилът е изтрит.
GREAT Upgrade 
But now TG is kinda op. Why would you add defence to an offensive unit? You should add attack to the PD inf then.
Nice updates i like it.panta rei
This game became better
i hope tons of new players will came
we need more videos from afterwind game in youtube that best free reclame
i find afterwind in youtube 
i love strategy games
Great changes i love it!!!
Very ood update. Mightily pleased at the "nerf" to SM, and the boost to Desert Storm, these will make the game more versatile (right now everyone and their mothers were using SM). I've yet to try TG, but I already found it to be a very good strat - I'm kinda worried it will now be one of the strongest, but eh, we'll see.
Lucky Bastard still as terrible as ever, huheuehue no surprises there.
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
tophat Публикации.: 3885 от: Canada
Lucky Bastard still as terrible as ever, huheuehue no surprises there.
try inf stacks, you will see a great difference.
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
The Peace on turn 1 should not include latejoiners, after all it isn't peace on turn 25
nevertheless, is one of the best upgrades in the game
I loved the new timer
Peace should not be allowed for latejoiners.
Написано от WillPalm, 26.06.2012 at 20:49
Peace should not be allowed for latejoiners.
You just said what the above poster suggested..
Lol, didn't notice.
Obviously 1st turn attacker^ I nao dispise u
I like stuff.... Yay?
Написано от perhelis, 18.06.2012 at 14:40
Tzeentch - are you for real? Have you ever played any scenario?... We tried 5 times True WWII (most popular scenario ever). We were waiting for 16 players and then start the game. However, when the game starts NOT ALL players join (bug in the game?) - usually like 2-4 are disconnected during joining the game. So we have like 12-13 ready players. And then some leaves... and then you stuck with a game that does not have full teams so turn 1 all abandons the game.
It is impossible to start scenario now that depends on teams.
It is impossible to start a scenario that has more then 6 people.
And you must be fucking blind not to see the problem. And you must be totally retarded not to admit that there is a HUGE ISSUE with last updates... I really do not know how such an update could have been even launched and then apprised by so many morons...
цитирам: [gl] Tsipras: I will stop doind WWII Scenarios always mess up - from Global channel from 3 minutes ago....
I have a scenario with 11 people and I've never had this issue
In fact, the peace on first turn has improved it.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
In Soviet Russia
Poems right you!
Roses are grey
Violets are grey
I'm color blind
Roses are red
I have a phone
Nobody calls me
Forever alone
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Some poems rhyme
this one doesn't
Man has this game changed! I have not played for 3 months by now... can't wait to start playing! Unfortunately, nowadays I only have enough freetime to log on and only check forums and such.
"There was Eru, the One, who in Arda is called Ilúvatar and he made first the Ainur, the Holy Ones, that were the offspring of his thought, and they were with him before aught else was made."
-The Silmarillion